NYC Comedy Picks for Week of April 21, 2008

NYC Comedy Picks for Monday 4/21/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

the perfect comedy show for short attention spans—open mic stand-up with 4½ minutes per set

and around 30 comics crammed into 2½ hours—at John Morrison's Ochi's Motel (6:30 pm & 9:00 pm),

top comedy writers Brian Kiley (genius writer for Late Night with Conan O'Brien since 1994)

and Bryan Tucker (writer for Saturday Night Live; previously written for Chappelle's Show and

Mad TV), plus improv beatbox genius Reggie Watts, comedic chameleon Brett Gelman,

and more at  Liam McEneaney's free show Tell Your Friends (8:00ish pm),

delightful stand-up Jackie Monahan and friends at Dykes on Mics (8:00ish pm),

political sketch comedy, plus an interview with author Eric Alterman (Why We're Liberals:

A Political Handbook to Post-Bush America), at Liz Winstead's Shoot the Messenger (8:00 pm),

the magical Livia Scott delivering a brilliant performance in her one-woman show about OJ Simpson fans,

and LOGO's Kate McKinnon premiering a one-woman show about pill-popping fairy princesses,

in Goodnight, O.J. and Disenchanted (9:30 pm),

the results of months of work from promising new sketch troupe As Sparks Fly Upward (9:30 pm),

and brilliant comics Anthony Jeselnik (Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central, MTV), Rob Riggle

 (correspondent for The Daily Show), Chris Gethard (world-class storyteller), and more at

one of the finest comedy shows in NYC—which just happens to be free—Cavalcade! (11:00 pm).


Ochi's Motel

Lottery-style open mic for stand-up comics trying out material,

with 4½ minutes per return for a $5 contribution to the weekly prize kitty.

(In addition, Ochi's 1-item food or drink minimum applies to everyone.)

A breathtaking 30+ comics perform in this 2½ hour show; producer

John Morrison (above) has described it as "comedy on crack."

If you're seeking consistent laughs, this might not be the best way to spend

your evening. But if you're patient and adventurous, it's a potentially wild ride.

And if you're a performer looking for some stage time, it's a nice opportunity.

Plus if you stick around till the show's end to support your fellow comics,

 you have a chance at winning the cash from the kitty, along with smaller prizes.

Ochi's Motel is hosted & booked by Sean Donnelly and Joe Powers.

To be entered into the weekly random drawing for performers,

please send email to ochismotel[at]

There are two shows tonight, at 6:30 and 9:00 pm (with entirely different sets of comics).

6:30 pm & 9:00 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues)

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




Liam McEneaney and Reggie Watts...


...and Brett Gelman, Byron Tucker, and Brian Kiley

Tell Your Friends

This free weekly comedy show is produced by—and tonight, also hosted by—

Liam McEneaney (VH1's Best Week Ever, Comedy Central's Premium Blend,

former writer for Standup Nation with Greg Giraldo).

This evening's wonderful guests are

Reggie Watts (musical improv comedy genius; winner of 2007 Andy Kaufman Award;

scary talented vocalist, beatboxer, and musician whose unique skills will likely amaze you;

to learn more, please visit; and for video samples of what Reggie does,

please click here and here),

Brian Kiley (brilliant writer for Late Night with Conan O'Brien since 1994; has performed on Late Show with David Letterman, Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Comedy Central Presents),

Brett Gelman (comedic chameleon who's currently ubiquitous as the Little Bit of Luck guy in New York Lottery ads; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Colbert Report; ace improv troupe Death by Roo Roo; host of new weekly NYC live comedy show Gelmania; for a recent interview

with Brett, please click here; for samples of Brett's mind-blowing work with partner Jon Daly, please click here and here, and also check out their hip-hop parody album Fleetwood Cracked),

Bryan Tucker (writer for Saturday Night Live; previously written for Comedy Central's

Chappelle's Show and Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, as well as Mad TV and

The Chris Rock Show; performed on Comedy Central's Premium Blend;

for a brief stand-up video, please click here), and

Bobby Miyamoto (Comedy Central's Premium Blend; Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson; for

stand-up about educational opportunities in Dallas and dating Tori Spelling, please click here).

8:00ish pm at Lolita Bar, 226 Broome Street (between Allen and Orchard Streets); free

Nearest subway stops are Delancey Street via the F or Delancey-Essex via the J/M/Z.



Amy Beckerman, Gloria Bigelow, Jackie Monahan, and Leah Dubie

Dykes on Mics

Free gay-themed stand-up comedy show featuring the gals above

as regulars/hosts, plus tonight's terrific guests:

Susan Alexander, Tara Devlin, Chesslee Calloway, and Danny Leary.

8:00 pm at RubyFruit Bar & Grill, 531 Hudson Street (between West 10th & Charles);

no cover, one item (food or drink) minimum




Author Eric Alterman & his new book Why We're Liberals, and STM host Lizz Winstead

Shoot the Messenger

Lizz Winstead is co-creator and former head writer of the original The Daily Show; former Executive VP of Air America Radio; and a performer on such shows as Comedy Central Presents and HBO's Women of the Night. (She's also a character; e.g., for a memorable anti-apology after canceling her appearance on the live NYC show Drink at Work, please click here.)

Tonight's guest is Eric Alterman, who runs the popular political blog Altercation, is a professor of English and Journalism at CUNY, and is the author of seven books including the brand new Why We're Liberals: A Political Handbook to Post-Bush America.

To get a feel for STM, please view a fun interview with cartoonist David Rees by clicking here

and read a March 2008 New York Times article about the show by clicking here.

8:00 pm at The Green Room, 45 Bleecker Street (off Lafayette); tickets are $12.50

Nearest subway stop is Bleecker Street on the #6 (which brings you virtually to the door of the theatre)

 and Broadway-Lafayette on the F/V/D/B.



Storked: A Journey in Fatherhood

George Clark returns to The PIT with this one-man show

about becoming a dad.

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $5



Livia Scott in Goodnight, OJ; and Kate McKinnon in Disenchanted

Livia Scott: Goodnight, O.J. and Kate McKinnon: Disenchanted

Two magical one-woman sketch shows for a mere five bucks.

Brilliant comedic chameleon Livia Scott (Late Night with Conan O'Brien,

world-class sketch group Meat, Livia's Castle of Enchantment), wrote and performs

this superb ECNY Award-nominated one-woman show, described as follows:

"In 1994, while he was in prison and on trial for murder, O.J. Simpson received

over 300,000 letters. To help pay for his defense and gain public support,

he had them published in a book called I Want to Tell You by O.J. Simpson: My Response

to Your Letters, Your Messages, Your Questions. Alternately humorous, disturbing,

and poignant, Goodnight, O.J. explores the minds of the people who wrote him."

The idea is clever; but Livia's thoughtful choices and hilarious performance make this truly special...and recommended.  For a video sample, please click here. Directed by

Baron Vaughn (MTV's The Gamekillers, VH1's Best Week Ever, Shoot the Messenger).

The double-bill then continues with brand new sketch show Disenchanted from comedic actress Kate McKinnon (cast member on the LOGO TV series The Big Gay Sketch Show).

The official description: "Watch the beloved fairy princesses of your childhood

pop a few Klonopins and eat themselves into a coma."

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



As Sparks Fly Upward: Stories->Improv->Sketch

This comedy troupe has spent months telling stories off the top of their heads, then improvising

 scenes based on the tales, and finally turning the best bits into scripted sketches.

It's a clever way of crafting a sketch show organically, week by week—and tonight

you can see the results. Performing will be Chris Caniglia, Scott Eckert,

Sarah Nowak, and Shelly Stover.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); $8




Chris Gethard, Rob Riggle, and Rob Cantrell...


...and concerned citizens observing with Anthony Jeselnik (being lauded by Robin Williams)


This razor-sharp stand-up extravaganza is no place for the innocent.

However, it's enormous fun...and free.

Tonight's thoroughly wonderful guests are

Anthony Jeselnik (phenomenal comic specializing in darkly shocking jokes and one of

my favorite stand-ups ever; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central's Premium Blend, ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live,  NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly, MTV's Most Valuable Players;

for stand-up videos, please click here and here),

Rob Riggle (hilarious, organic, honest; correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart;

other credits include Saturday Night Live, The Office, Arrested Development, Human Giant),

Chris Gethard (one of the most talented and brilliant storytellers and improvisors in New York;

The Stepfathers, The Nights of Our Lives, Happy Hour, author of book Weird New York),

Rob Cantrell (Last Comic Standing, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, CBS's Late Late Show, VH1),

and Dan Mintz ("It's so much easier for kids to jerk off than it used to be.

When I was young, you had to find the Sears catalog, flip to the lingerie section.

Now, with the Internet, I just turn on my computer, get online, and go right to").

Tonight's show—produced by Jeremy Levenbach—is likely to be one of the funniest in NYC.

And it's free.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); free



NYC Comedy Picks for Tuesday 4/22/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

razor-sharp stand-up Joe DeRosa (Carolines), the delightful Brooke Van Poppelen (Slumber Party),

Moody McCarthy (Last Comic Standing), and Carmen Lynch (Last Comic Standing) battling it out on stage

for audience votes in a new biweekly stand-up competition: Eric I's Comedy Showdown (7:00ish pm)

lively & fun discussions about comic books, with star bestselling writer Chris Claremont

(X-Men, New Mutants, New Exiles), at Comic Book Club (8:00 pm),

a silly celebration of Earth Day by the superb Kimmy Gatewood, musical duo Pembroke and Lu,

witty sketch performer Daiva Deupree, and more at Mearth Day (8:00 pm),

sneak peaks at the two improv troupes that'll be going head to head later this week via Harold Night (8:00 pm),

typically terrific stand-up comics at Carol Hartsell & Sean Crespo's Drink at Work  (9:00 pm),

and five women performing an improvised, and possibly tipsy, parody of The View at Focus (9:30 pm).



Joe DeRosa and Brooke Van Poppelen

Eric I's Comedy Showdown

This new biweekly extravaganza is a comedy competition hosted by Eric I.

Four established NYC comics, plus two up-and-coming comics selected at the show's start

from the audience, each get 8 minutes on stage to be funny. The audience then votes

on who it believes was most hilarious. The winner receives an additional 5 minutes

of stage time to make comedic fun of the losers; and also moves on to a semi-final round in June to determine a season champion (with a prize of $500, and bragging rights).

Tonight's four battling veteran comics are

Joe DeRosa (star stand-up who performs regularly at Carolines, Comix, etc.;

for a video sample, please click here),

Brooke Van Poppelen (sexy and adorable co-host of NYC biweekly live comedy show

Slumber Party; for a video sample, please click here),

Moody McCarthy (Last Comic Standing, Jimmy Kimmel Live;

for stand-up video about Web dating on NetZero, please click here), and

Carmen Lynch (Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's Premium Blend;

for stand-up video about being tall, please click here).

Expect sparks to fly.

7:00ish pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)



X-Men writer Chris Claremont and friends

Comic Book Club

Hosted by Alex Zalben, Justin Tyler and Pete LePage,

who enjoy discussing comic books while getting laughs.

Tonight's guest is Chris Claremont, who is one of the most popular writers in the industry,

and is largely responsible for turning The X-Men from an over-the-hill 1960s group

into one of the hottest properties in comics history.

In addition, the gang will probably have some fun anecdotes to relate

from this past weekend's ComicCon.

To get a feel for the smart, playful vibe of Comic Book Club, please check out its podcasts—

that is, audio recordings of previous shows in their entirety—by clicking here.

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $5





Pembroke and Lu, Kimmy Gatewood, and Daiva Deupree

Mearth Day

This show is sorta like Earth Day, only funny.

It's hosted by Louisa Banks, and features these superb guests:

Kimmy Gatewood (lovely and brilliantly talented comedic actress, singer, dancer,

improvisor, director, and writer; Apple Sisters Variety Show, Nerdcore Rising),

Pembroke & Lu (likeable singing duo; for video songs about gay marriage

and being scared of the homeless, please click here and here),

Daiva Deupree (half of witty & luminous sketch comedy duo Two Girls For Five Bucks),

Vicki Ferentinos (host of NYC weekly live comedy show Laugh Out Loud),

and the BTK Band.

Note: Please mention this site,, to get half off the $10 ticket price.

8:00 pm at Broadway Comedy Club, 318 West 53rd Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

$5 per ticket (vs. $10) by mentioning via phone (212/757-2323) or at the door,

plus two-item drink or food minimum (with tax & tip, figure on paying additional $13 or up)



Harold Night

The Harold is longform improv, pioneered by Del Close.

Tonight, five improv troupes—

Twelve Thousand Dollars, DeCoster, Bastian, 1985, and T.R.U.C.K.S.—

each give it a go for 30 minutes, with

short breaks in between, for a total of 3 hours.

Some of the groups are great; some are less so. And this show

is designed more for students of improv than the general public.

But if you're interested, and patient, a mere $5 will buy you

a full evening's education...and periodic solid laughs.

Please Note: Two of these groups, Bastian and 1985,

will be going head to head in this week's Cage Match.

Tonight is therefore a great opportunity to get a sneak peak at the techniques

of both troupes before they head into battle on Thursday.

8:00-11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Fun Dip Variety Hour

Gal comedy duo Sara McGowan and Jamie Marrs, fresh off a tour in LA,

perform an hour of sketch, improv, and games.

To get a feel for these redheads at play, please click here.

8:00 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Carol Hartsell and Sean Crespo

Drink at Work

Weekly show produced by Carol Hartsell and hosted by Sean Crespo

(stand-up comic and prolific filmmaker; for samples, please click here & here & here).

Tonight's guests haven't been announced, but the show has recently been delivering

superb lineups. To check for a last-minute update, please click here.

9:00 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




This weekly comedy show is a parody of The View that's mostly improvised by performers

Brigid Boyle, Emily Bryan, Nicole Cascio, Caroline Ficksman, and Alexis Saarela.

The official description:

"Hey, Darlings! Come sit down with a cup of coffee (or perhaps a martini) and join the panel

of five of New York's most talkative and opinionated women as they discuss the week's events,

and interview alluring guests from the worlds of literature, politics, comedy, and more.

This show will keep you in Focus. Let's talk about issues, over drinks!"

9:30 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



NYC Comedy Picks for Wednesday 4/23/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

comedy titans Michael Showalter (MTV, movie writer/director) and Reggie Watts (2007 Andy Kaufman Award),

along with surprise guest comics, at CBS/NYC Presents: Michael Showalter and Reggie Watts (8:00 pm),

a breathtaking gathering of uniformly brilliant comics, including Todd Barry (David Letterman, Conan O'Brien,

HBO, Comedy Central), Eugene Mirman (HBO, Comedy Central, Adult Swim), Nick Kroll (VH1, MTV,

star of ABC's Cavemen), Chelsea Peretti (Variety Shac), Tom McCaffrey (Comedy Central),

and host Brett Gelman (Conan O'Brien, The Colbert Report) at a spectacular edition of Gelmania (8:30 pm),

open mic stand-up in Queens' LIC, with ace sketch troupe Olde English as guest headliner,

at John F. O'Donnell's The Kingdom of Heaven (8:30 pm),

delicious comics Margaret Champagne, Joselyn Hughes, and Brooke Van Poppelen inviting

some of the coolest gals and guys they know for stand-up comedy fun at their Slumber Party (9:00 pm),

an unsettling sketch troupe and a soap opera improv troupe in the double-bill

Pangea 3000 Recommends the Beatles and Hot Lather (9:30 pm),

and a laid-back free show where virtually anything can happen on a School Night (11:00).

For details, please click here.


TV Alert: South Park is one of the very best comedies in TV history, and this season

has been especially superb—which, considering how long the series has been going,

is little short of astonishing. If you aren't already tuning in, for goodness sakes,

set your TiVo for the new episode on Comedy Central tonight at 10:00.


For NYC comedy club discounts, please click here.

Currently available are discounts for select Comix shows

and a 50% discount on all tickets for the Broadway Comedy Club.


As Sparks Fly Upward: Stories->Improv->Sketch

This comedy troupe tells stories off the top of their heads, then improvises

 scenes based on the tales...which may later turn into scripted sketches.

It's a clever way of crafting a sketch show organically, week by week—and you can

watch the whole process, at no charge. The group consists of Kevin Allison,

Chris Caniglia, Scott Eckert, Sarah Nowak, Nate Starkey, and Shelly Stover.

6:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); free




Adam Newman and Shawn Pearlman

Faux Show

Weekly comedy show hosted by

Adam Newman (CMT's Prankville'd, VH1's Best Week Ever blog, co-host of

monthly NYC live comedy show Street Meat; host of weekly NYC live open mic comedy show

Blowtorch Slaughter; half of musical comedy duo Uber Luber Death Metal) and

Shawn Pearlman ("If you're in a bad neighborhood, blowing a rape whistle

is like ringing a dinner bell;" for stand-up videos, please click here and here).

Tonight's guests haven't been announced, but they're likely to be

highly talented stand-up comics.

7:30 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




Michael Showalter and Reggie Watts

CBS/NYC Presents: Michael Showalter and Reggie Watts

Tonight is a showcase for two comedy giants:

Michael Showalter (brilliant comedic rebel without a cause; MTV's seminal sketch show The State,

legendary comedy troupe Stella, writer/director/star of feature film The Baxter,

co-writer/co-star of feature film Wet Hot American Summer, co-host of

the 2008 ECNY Award-winning weekly Brooklyn comedy show Tearing the Veil of Maya), and

Reggie Watts (musical improv comedy genius; winner of 2007 Andy Kaufman Award;

scary talented vocalist, beatboxer, and musician whose unique skills will likely amaze you;

to learn more, please visit; and for video samples of what Reggie does,

please click here and here).

Several unannounced guest comics will also perform.

This show is sold out on seats; but you can still get in if you're okay with standing.

(Then again, if you're not, consider tonight's other breathtaking lineup at Gelmania...)

8:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Big Black Car and Fancy Dragon

This free weekly show features the two PIT improv teams above,

each of which performs for about 30 minutes. For a video sample of Big Black Car,

please click here; and for a video sample of Fancy Dragon, please click here.

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); free




Comedy geniuses Todd Barry, Eugene Mirman, and Nick Kroll...

...and Tom McCaffrey, Brett Gelman, Little Bit of Luck, and Chelsea Peretti


This wonderful weekly show is hosted by Brett Gelman, a comedic chameleon

who's currently ubiquitous as the Little Bit of Luck guy in New York Lottery ads.

Brett's numerous credits include Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Colbert Report,

and ace improv troupe Death by Roo Roo. For a recent interview with Brett, please click here; for samples of Brett's mind-blowing work with partner Jon Daly, please click here and here,

and also check out their hip-hop parody album Fleetwood Cracked.

Tonight Brett welcomes an awesome collection of comedic talent:

Todd Barry (wryly brilliant stand-up who's one of the very best in the biz;

Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien,

Comedy Central Presents; HBO's Flight of the Conchords, Lucky Louie, and Sex in the City;

Comedy Central's Freak Show, Dr. Katz, and Shorties Watching Shorties;

Adult Swim's Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,  and Tom Goes To The Mayor;

check out his newest comedy CD From Heaven),

Eugene Mirman (comedy giant; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central Presents half-hour special,

Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Jump Cuts, HBO's Flight of the Conchords, VH1,

The Absurd Nightclub Comedy of Eugene Mirman and En Garde, Society! comedy albums,

co-host of the 2008 ECNY Award-winning weekly Brooklyn comedy show Tearing the Veil of Maya),

Nick Kroll (one of the most razor-sharp and hilarious comics working today,

exhibiting the versatility and brilliance of an Andy Kaufman;

VH1's Best Week Ever, MTV's Human Giant, highlight of ABC's recent Cavemen sitcom,

and the winner of the 2008 ECNY Award for Best One-Person Show—

Fabrice Fabrice, which was among the funniest shows I've ever seen;

for a few videos by this comic heading towards major stardom, please click here),

Chelsea Peretti (exceptionally fresh, smart stand-up comic; member of superb

comedy troupe Variety Shac; writer for Village Voice, Details, Playgirl, Jest,, and Rejection Line: 212/479-7990), and

Tom McCaffrey (Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Shorties Watchin' Shorties.

8:30 pm at Rififi, 332 East 11th Street (between 1st & 2nd Avenues); $5




John F. O'Donnell and Olde English

The Kingdom of Heaven

Free open mic stand-up comedy show in Queens' Long Island City

(just one stop from Manhattan on the #7 train).

Hosted by John F. O'Donnell (Comedy Central's Fresh Faces; for stand-up video, please click here),

a wild man who will make you love him...and who genuinely loves comedy and fellow comics.

If you're looking for stage time, John makes this a very friendly place to perform.

Sign-up for the open mic is at 7:30.

Tonight's guest headliner is Olde English: world-class sketch troupe,

prodigious generator of funny videos, and host of the

monthly UCBT midnight show Very Fresh. The group consists of

Caleb Bark, Ben Popik,David Segal, Adam Conover, and Raphael Bob-Waksberg.

8:30 pm at The Creek and The Cave, 10-93 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, Queens; free

From Manhattan, take the #7 subway to the Vernon Boulevard-Jackson Avenue stop (one stop after Grand Central);

exit on Jackson Avenue and walk one block north to 49th Avenue.



Your hosts Margaret Champagne, Joselyn Hughes, and Brooke Van Poppelen at...

Slumber Party

This twice-monthly event is "the sort of variety show that happens when three girls

are delirious from staying up all night boozing and slap-happy from crank-calling!"

 How can you resist? The lovely & hilarious hosts are

 Margaret Champagne (Carolines, UCBT; for acting reel, please click here),

Joselyn Hughes (for video questioning the effectiveness of rape whistles, please click here), and

Brooke Van Poppelen (Carolines, Laugh Factory; for a video sample, please click here).

Tonight's stand-up comedy guests haven't been announced, but they're typically superb.

9:00 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




Pangea 3000 Recommends the Beatles and Hot Lather

Two unusual troupes for five bucks.

First up is Pangea 3000 performing a set of sketch comedy routines that in some odd way involve the Beatles. The group consists of Andrew Cleary, Sam Kemmis, Dan Klein, Arthur Meyer, and Seth Reiss. To view two of their surreal tales of games guys play, involving whoopee cushions and tag, please click here and here.

The double-bill then continues with Hot Lather, an improv group that specializes

in the soap opera format. Its members include some powerhouse performers:

Mike Cavanaugh, Matt Fisher,  Jon Gutierrez, Molly Lloyd, Anna Rubanova, Achilles Stamatelaky, Mike Still, Abra Tabak, Andree Vermeulen, and Paul Welsh,

with direction by Rob Webber.

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Kurt Braunohler, Pat Shay, and Kimmy Gatewood

The Faculty and The Baldwins and Sid Viscous

Some of the PIT's instructors—who include such talents as Ali Farahnakian,

Kurt Braunohler, Ptolemy Slocum, Jen Nails, Pat Shay, Matt Donnelly, Kevin Scott,

Rebekka Johnson, and Kimmy Gatewood—perform improv for around 30 minutes.

And opening for them will be house improv troupes The Baldwins and Sid Viscous.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); free



School Night

Host Justin Purnell provides a mix of guests who perform stand-up, improv, music,

and occasionally acts that defy categorization. The level of talent can vary wildly—

but for some (like me), that's part of the laid-back fun.

Come support the experimentation, and periodic magical surprises,

that this free show makes possible.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); free



NYC Comedy Picks for Thursday 4/24/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

the brilliant Dave Hill, who's not only hilarious but plays an instrument, plus Dangaru guitarist Phil Yanos,

at a show mixing comedy and music: Tim Ellis' & Matthew Park's Of the Moment (7:00 pm),

world-class storytellers Tom Shillue and Kambri Crews, plus a small mob of stand-up comics

 including Matt Daly, Dean Obeidallah, Danny Leary, and Jenny Rubin, telling funny and

sometimes poignant  tales about their relatives at Sara Benincasa's Family Hour (7:30 pm),

one of the most charming & entertaining groups in NYC, recently off a sold-out three-city tour and winning

the ECNY Award for Best Musical Comedy Act, performing a show about April Fools: The Apple Sisters (8:00 pm),

The delightful Amber Petty, Jessie Schupack, and Tricia McAlpin of Penny, along with

duo Rubin & Munoz, in the sketch double-bill White Orphans/The Lance and Ray Show (8:00 pm),

some of the most awesomely funny comics in the country, including Nick Kroll (VH1, MTV,

 star of ABC's Cavemen), Anthony Jeselnik (Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central, MTV),

Mary Van Note (dazzlingly sly wit from LA), Dan Mintz (great dead-pan stand-up), and John

Gemberling (Fat Guy Stuck in Internet), at the hilarious Joe Mande's & Noah Garfinkel's Totally J/K (8:30 pm),

fine stand-ups Ophira Eisenberg, Becky Donohue, Jenny Rubin, and more in The Back Room (9:00 pm),

razor-sharp folks having fun with the news: brilliant stand-up John Mulaney (Conan O'Brien),

Kate Spencer (VH1), Josh Tyrangiel (Time Magazine editor), Dan Kois (New York Magazine editor),

and hosts Anthony King and Scott Brown at Shut Up! I Hate You! (9:30 pm),

and UCBT Harold Night improv troupes Bastian and 1985

competing for audience laughs & votes at Cage Match (11:00 pm).



Dave Hill checking on what moment it is, and hosts Tim Ellis & Matthew Park

Of the Moment

Tim Ellis & Matthew Park host this monthly show mixing comedy and music

(for the duo's unique version of "The Sound of Silence," please click here).

Tonight's guests include Dave Hill, who's one of the sharpest and freshest comics in NYC. Dave's written for The New York Times, Salon, HBO, and the eerie Web site Black Metal Dialogues; written and performed for VH1, Spike TV, The Learning Channel, and the

fabulous Smoking Gun TV series; hosts the monthly UCBT extravaganza

The Dave Hill Explosion (to learn more, please click here); and is also a talented musician.

Also performing tonight will be Phil Yanos, guitarist for the band Dangaru;

and Matt Oberg, member of improv troupe Big Black Car

(for a video sample of BBC, please click here).

7:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $5



Jenny Rubin, and happy children with "Aunt" Sara Benincasa...


...and Dean Obeidallah, Tom Shillue, and Kambri Crews

Family Hour with Auntie Sara

A stand-up comedy show in which everyone tells jokes and/or stories related to

their family. Hosted by comic/actress Sara Benincasa (MTV's Choose or Lose Campaign;

host of Tub Talk with Sara B. on; for video sample, please click here).

Tonight's superb guests include

Tom Shillue (Comedy Central Presents, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show

with Jon Stewart; storytelling podcasts; host of NYC monthly comedy show Moonwork;

comedy CD Overconfident!; for stand-up samples, please click here and here),

Kambri Crews (luminous performer, stellar publicist & producer, and one of the most sharp, charming, and heartfelt comedic storytellers working in NYC; for Kambri's correspondence with her deaf dad, who's in a Texas prison for trying to  stab his wife to death, please visit Web site; for a video of Kambri reading her jailed dad's wedding toast, please click here),

Matt Daly (for stand-up video about jello shots, dinosaurs, and Cookie Monster, please click here),

Dean Obeidallah (Comedy Central's Axis of Evil, one-man show I Come in Peace),

Danny Leary (host of weekly NYC live comedy show On the Rocks with Danny Leary),

 Jenny Rubin (host of NYC live comedy shows The Back Room and Max!),

Jon Lang (for stand-up about learning his brother is gay, please click here),

Matt Little (member of sketch/improv troupe Thank You, Robot

for video about the cool new game "Volcano Blast," please click here), and

Thomas J. Kelly (warmup comic for ABC's The View;

creator of Web sites and

7:30 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)



Photo on left: Rebekka Johnson, Kimmy Gatewood, and Sarah Lowe

Photo on right: Sarah Lowe, Rebekka Johnson, and Kimmy Gatewood

The Apple Sisters: It's April, Fool

The delicious Apple SistersKimmy Gatewood, Rebekka Johnson, and Sarah Lowe, with Tom Thomsen on keyboard—have sung, danced, and naughtily joked their ways into New York City's heart. This homage to 1940s girl groups like The Andrew Sisters has been one of the great successes of 2007, having done 10 original shows, sold-out performances at comedy festivals around the country, and recently winning the 2008 for Best Musical Comedy Act.

Tonight the gals perform It's April, Fool, a show likely to be full of fun and surprises.

From the official description: "The Apple Sisters are Candy, Cora, and Seedy. Their mother, Ms. Reddy Apple, was a vaudeville star and she passed down the legacy to her three girls! The trio present their live show, broadcast on WXYZ AM Radio, straight to the troops in Germany, and present the show on stage at the Peoples Improv Theater in their first and favorite home, the Big Apple! Be a chum and always use Doramad Toothpaste, now with Thorium!"

To get a feel for the production, please click here & here & here & here.

The show tends to sell out, so it's recommended you buy an advance ticket

online ($9.19, including service charge) by clicking here.

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street; tickets are $8 at the door



Comedy troupe Penny (Amber Petty, Jessie Schupack and Tricia McAlpin) in White Orphans...

...and Lance Rubin & Ray Munoz in The Lance & Ray Show

Penny: White Orphans and The Lance & Ray Show

Sketch/improv group Penny consists of the adorable & very funny comedy trio

 Amber Petty, Trisha McAlpin, and Jessie Schupack. In tonight's show, the gals

 promise to "guide you through their wonderful world of art, music, and laughter.

You'll laugh till you cry, cry till you laugh, and be moved enough that you too

 will want a white orphan for your very own." Directed by Susannah Beckett.

The double-bill then continues with The Lance & Ray Show, which is sketch comedy

in a stream-of-consciousness style from funny duo Lance Rubin & Ray Munoz.

I liked the comedic intentions more than  the actual material, but the audience

I saw this with seemed to enjoy the whole package. Either way,

these guys are talented and promising.

8:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Totally J/K

Hosted by quick-witted best buds Noah Garfinkel and

Joe Mande, the 2008 ECNY Award winner for Best Emerging Comic.

(For dueling birthday videos, please click here and here; and

 for other videos, please click here and here.)

Tonight's thoroughly wonderful guests include

Nick Kroll (one of the most razor-sharp and hilarious comics working today,

exhibiting the versatility and brilliance of an Andy Kaufman;

VH1's Best Week Ever, MTV's Human Giant, highlight of ABC's recent Cavemen sitcom,

and the winner of the 2008 ECNY Award for Best One-Person Show—

Fabrice Fabrice, which was among the funniest shows I've ever seen;

for a few videos by this comic heading towards major stardom, please click here),

Anthony Jeselnik (phenomenal comic specializing in darkly shocking jokes and one of

my favorite stand-ups ever; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central's Premium Blend, ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live,  NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly, MTV's Most Valuable Players;

for stand-up videos, please click here and here),

Mary Van Note (breathtakingly sly comic who hosts a live comedy show in LA and

 creates mind-blowing videos; for tips on how to date Mary, please click here),

Dan Mintz ("It's so much easier for kids to jerk off than it used to be.

When I was young, you had to find the Sears catalog, flip to the lingerie section.

Now, with the Internet, I just turn on my computer, get online, and go right to;"

for more of an exceptionally funny set, please click here), and

John Gemberling (co-creator and co-star of TV series Fat Guy Stuck in Internet;

 MTV's Human Giant; member of genius improv troupe Death by Roo Roo).

8:30 pm at Rififi, 332 East 11th Street (between 1st & 2nd Avenues); tickets are $5



Jenny Rubin, Dave Rubin, Paul Case, and Shawn Hollenbach...


...and Ophira Eisenberg and Becky Donohue

The Back Room

Gay-themed comedy (with both gay and straight comics), hosted by the charming Jenny Rubin.

Tonight's fine guests are

Becky Donohue (Comedy Central's Premium Blend, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, and

Shorties Watchin' Shorties; TLC's Trading Spaces; Fashion Police writer for US Weekly),

Ophira Eisenberg (Comedy Central's Premium Blend, VH1's Best Week Ever,

E!; Fashion Police writer for US Weekly),

Mike Singer (here!,

Back Room co-producer Paul Case (MTV),

Back Room co-producer Shawn Hollenbach (here!, and

Back Room co-producer Dave Rubin (here!

9:00 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (on low-cost menu; e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)



Anthony King, Scott Brown, John Mulaney, and Kate Spencer

Shut Up! I Hate You!

A funny look at the news, with lots of amusing video clips,

hosted by Anthony King (UCBT Artistic Director, Reuben Williams)

and Scott Brown (writer for Entertainment Weekly, and

co-writer with Anthony King of Gutenberg: The Musical).

Tonight's razor-sharp panelists are

John Mulaney (one of the best stand-up comics around; VH1's Best Week Ever

Late Night with Conan O'Brien; for John's sets on Conan, please click here and here),

Kate Spencer (, member of stellar improv troupe Reuben Williams),

Josh Tyrangiel (Managing Editor of, and previously a music critic

for Rolling Stone, Vibe, Entertainment Weekly, and MTV), and

Dan Kois (former film exec and literary agent; currently writer and editor for New York Magazine's

culture blog Vulture; also writer of hilarious sketches such as The Rumor).

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Cage Match: Bastian vs. 1985

This delightful show pits two improv teams against each other while creating the

atmosphere of a professional wrestling arena—and providing such side-shows

as a bout to the death between guys costumed as an alcoholic wolf and TV's Alf.

(For a spirited weekly report on the wrestling aspect of Cage Match, please click here.)

For the past two weeks, improv group Bastian has proved to be a giant-killer.

It first beat out  genius troupe The Stepfathers by nine votes; and then

squeezed past Mother, the most successful troupe in Cage Match history,

by an even tighter margin...winning 49 to 45!

Tonight the champions of Bastian—Brian Barrett, Maggie Carey, Adam Frucci, Brandon Gardner, Lydia Hensler, Molly Lloyd, Oscar Magallanes, and John Murray—face one of their own, i.e., another UCBT troupe that performs Tuesdays on Harold Night.

1985 consists of Birch Harms, Sue Galloway, Porter Mason, Adam Pally, Risa Sang-urai, Gavin Speiller, Erik Tanouye...and Ben Rodgers, the pitch-perfect and thoroughly hilarious

co-announcer of Cage Match. That might constitute a conflict of interest;

but then again, maybe Neil Casey is free up this evening...

Tonight is likely to be great fun, and there's no telling what will happen...

which is one of the great pleasures of this extravaganza.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



NYC Comedy Picks for Friday 4/25/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

hilarious amateur videos via the Found Footage Festival (7:00 pm),

a sketch comedy show from sharp duo Greg Burke & Lou Perez (7:00 pm),

Kumail Nanjiani performing a superbly written, gripping, and witty one-man show

about his struggle with Islam growing up in Pakistan: Unpronounceable (8:00 pm),

a breathtaking gathering of uniformly genius comics, including John Oliver (The Daily Show),

Todd Barry (Letterman, Conan, HBO, Comedy Central),  Nick Kroll (VH1, MTV, star of ABC's Cavemen),

Anthony Jeselnik (Conan, Comedy Central, MTV), and Jon Benjamin (FOX, MTV, Adult Swim),

celebrating the spectacular anniversary edition of The Greg Johnson & Larry Murphy Show (8:30 pm),

some of the finest improv in NYC from the comedy genius members of The Stepfathers (9:30 pm),

disturbingly odd sketch comedy from Rue Brutalia, equally odd Instant Message exchanges

from Kill Secretary Kill, and more at Desiree Nash's All You Can Laff Buffet (9:30 pm),

singing improvisors who use an interview with an audience member to craft The Made-Up Musical (10:00 pm),

one of my all-time favorite improv troupes, the brilliant and daring members of Death by Roo Roo (11:00 pm),

and a very special show from Jon Daly, one of the most versatile and daring comics in NYC,

who'll be strutting out such characters as a drunken British talking pine tree in Jon's

magical celebration of Arbor Day: Sappity Tappity's Romp Through Liquor Forest (12:15ish am).



Just two of the many memorable images from the FFF

Found Footage Festival

Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher have spent two years scouring thrift stores

and garage sales around the country for odd, funny, and startling videos.

The results screen tonight at 7:00 pm (and are repeated at 9:00 pm, plus tomorrow night).

Based on the stills above, the time was well-spent.

For video samplers, please click here and here.

How can you resist?

7:00 pm & 9:00 pm at Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Ave (at 2nd Street); tickets are $10;

to buy in advance online, please click here



Lou Perez and Greg Burke

Greg & Lou

Expect smart writing and committed performances from sketch comedy duo Greg & Lou:

Greg Burke (Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Law & Order, Guiding Light) and

Lou Perez (co-star with Greg in sketch comedy group The Wicked Wicked Hammerkatz;

also a talented short story writer & contributor to Fiction Magazine as Luis Amate Perez).

For a video sample, please click here.

7:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Kumail Nanjiani: Unpronounceable

Kumail Nanjiani is a rising stand-up comedy star. (To get a feel for his usual material, please check out Nanjiani's routines about the dark side of video games, odd memories, and the many ways cell phones are eliminated in horror films by clicking here.) But in this autobiographical one-man show, Nanjiani demonstrates that he's also a thoughtful, witty writer who can effectively mix laughter with poignancy.

Nanjiani begins by describing his growing up in Pakistan, where religion dictates virtually every thought and action:

You know how when you do arts and crafts and you use glitter, and when you're done you look around and you've got glitter everywhere? It's on your hands. It's on the carpet. It's in your hair. It's in your ears. That's how Islam is. It's all over everything.

That's especially difficult considering the high standards Islam sets:

In the afterlife you're taken to the edge of a cliff. Across the way is Heaven. But it's a ways off, not like "Hey, I'm gonna pop over to Heaven to borrow some sugar. Be back in 10." And there's a rope you have to balance yourself on to get to the other side. But this isn't just any's thinner than the thinnest human hair and sharper than the sharpest knife in the world. And you have to balance yourself and cross this rope—barefoot—to get to Heaven. And below Hell.

That's a lot to deal with for an 8-year-old boy.

When he got a bit older, Nanjiani got hold of videotapes from America, and...

I watched mostly horror films—even though I was never scared of them.  I imagined myself standing over Hell five times every day. When you hear that much about molten lead in your ears and mountains flying at you, Saw is like a Disney movie.

In the first half of his show, Nanjiani makes a compelling—and, at times, hair-raising—case against religious zealotry, an emphasis on the afterlife over the here-and-now, and blindly following the crowd.

In the second half, he describes how his experiences at a college in Iowa slowly changed him. Eventually Nanjiani abandoned Islam; religion in general; and even belief in God.

This is effectively where his show ends. And frankly, I wish there was a third act.

Because while Nanjiani's rebellion against the rules he grew up with is wholly understandable, he doesn't make clear what he's found to replace them (aside from some references to favoring love for people over love for if it must be an either-or decision).

Also not clarified is why getting disillusioned with one's childhood religion—or, for that matter, any organized religion—translates to becoming an atheist. If you're appalled by how a group has interpreted or twisted a concept, you can reject the group but still embrace the concept.

For these reasons, I feel the tale is incomplete; but hey, so is life at Nanjiani's age of 29.

And in fairness, I had the same problems with a one-man show Matt Besser performed at UCBT a couple of years ago titled Woo Pig Sooie! Besser was brought up Judeo-Christian; but at core he told the same story, and with the same conclusion. A young writer can do a lot worse than be compared to comedy giant Besser.

Kumail Nanjiani's show is at times gripping, insightful, shocking, and hilarious...and crammed with fascinating observations and anecdotes. Unpronounceable is well worth catching, and is highly recommended.

Please Note: This may be the last time Unpronounceable is performed for quite a while, as Nanjiani is focused on his stand-up career. If you can attend tonight, do.

8:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8



Comedy geniuses Todd Barry, John Oliver, and Nick Kroll...


...and Anthony Jeselnik (being lauded by Robin Williams), and hosts Greg & Larry

The Greg Johnson & Larry Murphy Show

This is one of the best comedy shows in New York.

But even so, tonight is extra special...featuring many of

my favorite comics ever for a blow-out anniversary extravaganza.

The hosts are Greg Johnson (sharp, quick-witted stand-up comic)

and Larry Murphy (brilliant voiceover actor who performs all the

key characters on Adult Swim's Assy McGee; other TV series include

Home Movies, O'Grady, Cheapseats, Computer Lab, Puppets N Such;

for an animated VO reel, please click here).

And the awesome all-star lineup includes

John Oliver (genius who's one of the very finest—and nicest—stand-up comics in the biz;

delightful & hilarious news correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

co-writer/star of The Department for BBC Radio 4; recently aired

his superb hour-long Comedy Central special, Terrifying Times),

Todd Barry (wryly brilliant stand-up who's one of the very best in the biz;

Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien,

Comedy Central Presents; HBO's Flight of the Conchords, Lucky Louie, and Sex in the City;

Comedy Central's Freak Show, Dr. Katz, and Shorties Watching Shorties;

Adult Swim's Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,  and Tom Goes To The Mayor;

check out his newest comedy CD From Heaven),

Nick Kroll (one of the most razor-sharp and hilarious comics working today,

exhibiting the versatility and brilliance of an Andy Kaufman;

VH1's Best Week Ever, MTV's Human Giant, highlight of ABC's recent Cavemen sitcom,

and the winner of the 2008 ECNY Award for Best One-Person Show—

Fabrice Fabrice, which was among the funniest shows I've ever seen;

for a few videos by this comic heading towards major stardom, please click here),

Anthony Jeselnik (phenomenal comic specializing in darkly shocking jokes and one of

my favorite stand-ups ever; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central's Premium Blend, ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live,  NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly, MTV's Most Valuable Players;

for stand-up videos, please click here and here), and

Jon Benjamin (superb voiceover actor for FOX's Family Guy,

Adult Swim's Lucy the Daughter of the Devil, Home Movies, Assy McGee,

and Comedy Central's Freak Show, Dr. Katz; played talking can of

vegetables hooked on autofellatio in film Wet Hot American Summer

was thoroughly hilarious as Bruce Willis impersonator in classic Human Giant sketch).

In a word...jaw-dropping.

One caveat: This blow-out show is first come, first serve; and expect seats to fill quickly.

8:30 pm at Rififi, 332 East 11th Street (between 1st & 2nd Avenues); tickets are $5



Bobby Moynihan, Zach Woods, Christina Gausas, Michael Delaney, and Chris Gethard

The Stepfathers

Some of the smartest & finest improv comics in NYC—Michael Delaney, Christina Gausas,

Chris Gethard, Will Hines, Bobby Moynihan, Shannon O'Neill, Silvija Ozols,

and Zach Woods—make up a series of scenes from a one-word audience suggestion.

With art and grace, these star talents will make you laugh—a lot.

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8




Desiree Nash; a guy taking an all-you-can-eat offer too literally; and Jason Kalter & Jon Pack of Rue Brutalia

Desiree's All You Can Laff Buffet

This monthly variety show hosted by Desiree Nash (member of improv groups Frank

and Trainwreck) provides a mix of stand-up, sketch, improv, and music.

Tonight's guests include sketch troupe Rue Brutalia, consisting of comedy duo

Jon Pack and Jason Kalter, who create quirky, unsettling sketches you may

have trouble getting out of  your head. To obtain a feel for their odd work,

check out a saga about a cartoon character with no balls, and

another about two guys who are the same man, by clicking here and here.

Also on the lineup is Kill Secretary Kill, which is IMing comedy duo

 Michele O. Medlin and Sarah Nowak.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8



The Made-Up Musical

Veteran improvisor John O'Donnell is accompanied

by a rotating cast that might include such superb talents as

Tara Copeland, Scott Glover, Alex Marino, Louis Kornfeld,

 Jessica Allen, Robin Rothman, and Megan Gray

—and with Frank Spitznagel on piano—

turn an interview with an audience member

into a musical they make up on the spot.

10:00 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $7



Death by Roo Roo: Your F*cked Up Family

Arguably the gutsiest improv troupe in NYC, the brilliant comics of Death by Roo RooAnthony Atamanuik, Neil Casey, Jackie Clarke, Brett Gelman, John Gemberling, and Curtis Gwinn—interview an audience member about family and then act out his or her life story

via improvised scenes. Sometimes scary, and usually hilarious.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8



Jon Daly doing his tree thing

Sappity Tappity: The Drunk British Pine Tree's Green Arbor Day Comedy Romp Through Liquor Forest

Even amidst the circle of immensely talented comics who practice their craft at UCBT,

Jon Daly stands out as a special kind of artist. Seemingly fearless, willing to try anything

for a laugh, but with very specific comedic tastes and a tough-minded approach

to being honest on stage, Daly is always a breath of fresh air...and damn funny.

Among Jon's many credits: member of superstar improv group Mother, which performs every week at the prime Saturday night at 9:00 slot at UCBT; recently wrapped acting in feature comedy films College Road Trip and Stick It Detroit; often works with his equally unique partner Brett Gelman, resulting in mind-blowing work (for sample videos, please click here and here);

has a hip-hop parody album with Brett titled Fleetwood Cracked;

and recently completed a Cracked Out pilot for Comedy Central.

Tonight Jon will probably deliver a parade of his memorable characters, the centerpiece

of which is Sappity Tappity—a drunken green tree. The official description:

"You know the old legend of the woods: If you drink enough liquor on Arbor Day, trees talk to you!

 Sappity Tappity, America's favorite drunk British pine tree and his many mild-mannered woodland friends, present a drunken celebration of America's holiday, Arbor Day.

Sappity Tappity won't skimp on the drink, so you're guaranteed the highest quality entertainment of the greenest variety. Liquor Forest is alive with Frolicking Foibles, Fascinating Fairytales, and F*cking Fun! Come join Sappity Tappity for a musical romp with his timeless friends, the Flowers, the Sun, and the mysterious McCubbin.

Watch Out! He's Drunk! Look Out! He's British! Relax. He's a Bloody Tree!

Women take back the night all the time; time for trees to take back the Arbor Day."

12:15ish am at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); $5



NYC Comedy Picks for Saturday 4/26/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

organic and immensely loveable married duo Mary Theresa Archbold and Pat Shay performing an

unforgettable sketch show based on Mary's life of being born with only one arm: Jazz Hand (7:00 pm),

hilarious amateur videos via the Found Footage Festival (7:00 pm & 9:00 pm),

star improvisation from writers & performers at 30 Rock, The Colbert Report,

and The Daily show who joyously declare Let's Have a Ball (7:30 pm),

Second City veterans, Magnet instructors, UCBT stars, and occasional celebs

at the Magnet's signature improv show, The Tiny Spectacular (7:30 pm),

improv comedy mixed with audience-supplied music at the rockin' Mother: The Soundtrack (9:00 pm),

inventive & hilarious sketch comedy from The Harvard Sailing Team (9:30 pm),

improvised TV shows about audience members via world-class troupe Reuben Williams (10:30 pm),

terrific storyteller Adam Wade and world-class sketch comedy troupe Drop Six

participating in this evening's Random Hookups with Slightly Known People (10:30 pm),

organic & energetic improv by the four guys of 4 Track! (10:30 pm),

disturbingly odd sketch comedy from Rue Brutalia in Two Guys and a Finger (11:00 pm),

and some undoubtedly shocking moments from the always inventive Cracked Out (Midnight).


Mary Theresa Archbold finds a unique way to silence

husband Pat Shay in their funny and touching show

Jazz Hand: Tales of a One Armed Woman

This sketch-based play is based on the real life experiences of Mary Theresa Archbold,

who was born missing an arm...and was one of the most sharp, engaging,

and endearing performers to grace last August's FringeNYC Festival.

In fact, she won a Best Actor Award, beating out literally

hundreds of other terrific talents from around the country.

It would've been easy to fall into the trap of creating something maudlin;

but instead Archbold and husband Pat Shay offer a very entertaining series

 of autobiographical  vignettes that are "slightly exaggerated...

but often closer to the truth than you'd suspect."

For a full review of the show, please click here. (The short version: Don't miss this.)

7:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8




Just two of the many memorable images from the FFF

Found Footage Festival

Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher have spent two years scouring thrift stores

and garage sales around the country for odd, funny, and startling videos.

The results screen tonight at 7:00 pm, and are repeated at 9:00 pm.

Based on the stills above, the time was well-spent.

For video samplers, please click here and here.

How can you resist?

7:00 pm & 9:00 pm at Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Ave (at 2nd Street); tickets are $10;

to buy in advance online, please click here




Becky Drysdale, Anthony King, Christina Gausas, Peter Gwinn, and Tami Sagher

Let's Have a Ball

Some of the sharpest writers and performers in NYC get together for long-form improv fun.

The players typically include Scott Adsit (cast member of 30 Rock, and co-director & cast member of Adult Swim's brilliant & Emmy-winning Moral Orel), Kay Cannon (writer for 30 Rock), Becky Drysdale (acclaimed one-woman show One Woman in Several Pieces, Web video series Time Traveling Lesbian), Christina Gausas (Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Stepfathers, Dorff & Gausas), Peter Gwinn (writer for The Colbert Report), Anthony King (UCBT-NY Artistic Director, Reuben Williams, Gutenberg! The Musical), Laura Krafft (writer for The Colbert Report), Tami Sagher (writer for 30 Rock; writer and producer for Mad TV 2001-2006), and Rob Riggle (correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Saturday Night Live, The Office).

7:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8



The Tiny Spectacular

Magnet instructors & Second City veterans such as Rachel Hamilton, Ed Herbstman, Abby Sher, and Miriam Tolan, plus stars of Mother: The Soundtrack (see below) Jason Mantzoukas, Tara Copeland, James Eason, Christine Walters, plus occasional special guests (such as superstar Mike Meyers), turn a tiny suggestion into larger-than-life improvised scenes.

7:30 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Mother: The Soundtrack

Jason Mantzoukas leads a vibrant team of improv comics—Scot Armstrong, Tara Copeland, Jon Daly, James Eason, Jesse Falcon, Doug Moe, and Christine Walters—who make up scenes based on CD tracks contributed by the audience. One of UCBT's most beloved shows.

9:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8



The Harvard Sailing Team: A Hundred Years of Song and Dance

The Harvard Sailing Team, which just won the ECNY Award for Best Sketch Comedy Group,

performs their special brand of fresh, imaginative comedy

that turns familiar rituals on their head. (For a video about awkward goodbyes

at the end of a party, please click here.) The very talented troupe consists of

Rebecca Brey, Jen Curran, Clayton Early, Faryn Einhorn, Katie Larson,

Adam Lustick, Chris Smith, Billy Scafuri, and Sara Taylor.

This new collection of sketches, titled

A Hundred Years of Song and Dance, covers such topics

as Melissa Etheridge, Duck Tales, and American Gladiators.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8



Reuben Williams: As Seen on TV

Anthony King demonstrates that in addition to running UCBT-NY brilliantly, he's a superb improvisor and actor. Joining him are stellar talents Eugene Cordero, Lennon Parham, Charlie Sanders, Eric Scott, Kate Spencer, Charlie Todd, and Joe Wengert. Together, they interview an audience member, and then use the answers as the basis for a new TV show...which this fiercely talented comedy troupe creates & performs for you on the spot.

10:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $8



4 Track!

Springboarding from a word suggested by the audience,

George Basil, Frank Campanella, Christian Capozzoli, and Matt Evans

perform organic & energetic long-form improv for about 40 minutes.

Basil is a stand-out, but they're all sharp, committed improvisors.

There's also a warm chemistry between the men, which is especially evident

if you arrive early to watch them getting ready on stage: They toss a ball

back and forth, and then toss each other back and forth...sending

a body message of "If you throw an improv concept at me, you can trust me

to not let it drop..." One of the Magnet's most popular shows.

10:30 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Adam Wade; SKP's Stu Luth, Mel DeLancey, and Dan Maccarone; and Drop Six

Random Hookups with Slightly Known People

Slightly Known People—Erik Bowie, Mel DeLancey, Stu Luth,

Dan Maccarone, and Josh Mertz—performs funny songs and sketch comedy.

In this weekly show SKP invites other talented comics

 to come play along with it for an evening.

Tonight's superb guests are

Adam Wade (stellar storyteller who's an 8-time StorySLAM champ

and 2006 GrandSLAM champ at The Moth),

Drop Six (ace NYC-based sketch troupe that makes great use of physical comedy,

consisting of Marcus Bonnée, Tim Girrbach, Alicia Levy, Rodney Umble, and director Larry Rosen; awarded Best of the Fest by Second City at the 2006 Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival;

and their Drop Six: Mr. Lucky show killed at last year's FringeNYC, placing in my top 15 of the festival—out of 188 wildly diverse & competitive productions),

and sketch/improv troupe Tool of Justice.

For a hilarious SKP video deconstructing Billy Joel, please click here.

For a review of the show, please click here.

10:30 pm at The Green Room, 45 Bleecker Street (off Lafayette); tickets are $12.00

Nearest subway stop is Bleecker Street on the #6 (which brings you virtually to the door of the theatre)

 and Broadway-Lafayette on the F/V/D/B.



Rue Brutalia Presents Two Guys and a Finger

Rue Brutalia is comedy duo Jon Pack and Jason Kalter, who create

quirky, unsettling sketches you may have trouble getting out of  your head.

To obtain a feel for their odd work, check out a saga about a cartoon character with no balls,

and another about two guys who are the same man, by clicking here and here.

Tonight Jon & Jason are joined by new PIT sketch troupe Finger,

which consists of Mamrie Hart, Grace Helbig, Jenn Hibbs, Matt Hobby,

Yang Miller, Chris Roberti, Mandy Schmieder, Steve Soroka, and Phil Wells.

11:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8



Cracked Out

Cracked Out (above) is the hilarious Jon Daly & Brett Gelman parodying a hip-hop group.

These guys love to shock; for a write-up of their UCBT show in October,

which featured trash gods and giant dildos, please click here.

For samples of the duo's mind-blowing videos, please click here and here;

please check out their album Fleetwood Cracked;

and keep an eye peeled for the TV pilot they recently shot for Comedy Central.

There's no telling what they have planned tonight,

but it's probably worth experiencing.

Midnight at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



NYC Comedy Picks for Sunday 4/27/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in NYC live comedy include

UCBT's playground for celebrities and ace improvisors, ASSSSCAT 3000 (7:30 & 9:30 pm),

stand-up comics Sean Patton, Mark Normand, Cassidy Henehan, and Chesslee Calloway

at Timmy Williams' & Sam Brown's free show Scum and Villainy (8:00 pm),

razor-sharp stand-ups Todd Barry, Matt Goldich, and more joining comedy giants Eugene Mirman

and Michael Showalter for their weekly shindig at Brooklyn's Union Hall: Tearing the Veil of Maya (8:00 pm),

the delightful Sara Schaefer testing your musical ear in her free Brooklyn show

featuring prizes and fun, Name That Tune (9:15ish pm).

and Leslie Collins performing what appears to be a charming one-woman show

based on her memories of growing up in Texas: Poteet Girls (9:30 pm).




The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre's signature show, which features a monologist telling stories based on audience suggestions and a group of top improvisers (sometimes including stars such as SNL's Amy Poehler and Horatio Sanz) creating scenes based on the stories. There are two shows every Sunday which share the same format, but are otherwise entirely different because everything is improvised. The 7:30 pm show is $8; advance tickets might be sold out by the time you read this, but a limited number of seats are available at the door for

those who arrive early enough to nab 'em...and even more tickets are available for those willing to watch the show standing. The 9:30 show is free, with tickets distributed outside the theatre

 at 8:15 pm; but again, you may need to come early and wait on line to ensure getting into

this first come,  first served performance.

7:30 pm & 9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue)



Timmy Williams and Sam Brown

Scum and Villainy

This free weekly show is hosted by Timmy Williams and Sam Brown, members of popular comedy group The Whitest Kids U' Know (currently starring in a TV show on IFC).

Tonight's guests are

Sean Patton, Mark Normand, Cassidy Henehan, and Chesslee Calloway.

8:00 pm at Pianos, 158 Ludlow Street at Stanton; free




A showcase for talented improvisation twosomes.

Tonight's duos haven't been announced,

but some fine scenes usually arise from this show.

8:00 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Todd Barry and Eugene Mirman...


...and Matt Goldich and Michael Showalter

Tearing the Veil of Maya

If you live in Brooklyn, or simply don't mind going a few subway stops beyond Manhattan,

some of the best funny minds in New York can be found at this weekly show

run by these two comedy giants (winners of the 2008 ECNY Award for Best Hosts):

Eugene Mirman (Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central Presents half-hour special,

Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Jump Cuts, HBO's Flight of the Conchords, VH1,

The Absurd Nightclub Comedy of Eugene Mirman and En Garde, Society! comedy albums) and

Michael Showalter (Michael Showalter (MTV's seminal sketch show The State, legendary comedy troupe Stella,

writer/director/star of feature film The Baxter, co-writer/co-star of feature film Wet Hot American Summer).

Tonight's wonderful guests include

Todd Barry (wryly brilliant stand-up who's one of the very best in the biz;

Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien,

Comedy Central Presents; HBO's Flight of the Conchords, Lucky Louie, and Sex in the City;

Comedy Central's Freak Show, Dr. Katz, and Shorties Watching Shorties;

Adult Swim's Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,  and Tom Goes To The Mayor;

check out his newest comedy CD From Heaven), and

Matt Goldich (lightning-fast stand-up; Comedy Central's Premium Blend, NY1's The Call, contributor to book  Bar Mitzvah Disco; for a stand-up sample, please click here).

8:00 pm at Union Hall, 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn; tickets are $7

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the  2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street.



Name That Tune with Sara Schaefer

The delightful Sara Schaefer (VH1's Best Week Ever, E! Network's Rise of the Geeks;

UCBT's Video Gaga) hosts this free comedic musical game show in Brooklyn,

complete with silly prizes. Expect fun.

9:15ish pm at Union Hall, 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn; free

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the  2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street.



Poteet Girls

Leslie Collins (VH1's Best Night Ever) performs a one-woman show based on the memorable folks she met growing up in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Her characters deal with situations ranging from science fair projects clashing with religious beliefs to a "Miss Junior Poteet" beauty contest. praises Collins' acting, saying her characters are "all handled with a gentle, realistic humor that's very funny while remaining sincere and affectionate." The director is Broadway performer & fellow Texan Erick Devine.

To get a feel for both Collins and the show, please click here.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); free



The Electro Shock Therapy Comedy Hour

Adam Sank (former TV news producer for FOX and WABC-TV; written

for The New York Times, Esquire Magazine, and The San Francisco Sentinel)

hosts this free gay-themed stand-up comedy show.

Tonight's guests are

Giulia Rozzi, Bernadette Pauley, Brian Barry, and Veronica Quinn.

To get a feel for the show, please click here.

10:00 pm at Therapy, 348 West 52nd Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues); free



Alternatively, consider seeing a funny and/or musical

Broadway, off-Broadway, or off-off-Broadway show.

To learn how theatre tickets can be purchased for around 50% off—

or, in some cases, for as little as $3 each—

please read Hy on Theatre Discounts.



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