NYC Comedy Picks for Week of September 22, 2008


Comedy giants John Mulaney (hired just last month as writer for Saturday Night LIve)

and Eugene Mirman perform tonight at Leo Allen's free UCBT show Whiplash

Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] superb and hilarious actress Amanda Duarte performing her one-woman show about working in  the entertainment biz in Lucky Pink Wonderland (7:00 pm),

stand-ups Maureen Langan, Chantal Carrere, and Jackie Jones joining delightful hosts

Jackie Monahan, Leah Dubie, Amy Beckerman, & Gloria Bigelow at Dykes on Mics (7:00 pm),

a free stand-up comedy show hosted by Jon Friedman, and featuring such sharp talents as

Greg Johnson, Brooke Van Poppelen, and Sean Patton at Chelsea Market's Comedy Night (7:30 pm),

the perfect show for short attention spans—open mic stand-up with 4½ minutes per set

and around 30 comics crammed into 2½ hours—at John Morrison's Ochi's Motel (6:30 pm & 9:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] eight sharp storytellers trying to mislead the audience in The Liar Show (8:00 pm),

a very popular comedy site's talents coming out from behind the Net tonight,

accompanied by superb NYC comics Leo Allen, Craig Baldo, and

Tom McCaffrey, at, Live on Stage (9:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] and a free weekly show featuring some of the finest stand-up comics in the country—who this week include Eugene Mirman (Conan O'Brien, HBO, Comedy Central, Adult Swim), John Mulaney (new writer for SNL; Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central, VH1), Hannibal Buress (Comedy Central), and Sean Patton (founder of the New Orleans Comedy Festival)—hosted by the wonderful Leo Allen (SNL, Comedy Central) at Whiplash (11:00 pm).



A few of the faces of stellar actress/writer Amanda Duarte

Lucky Pink Wonderland

I first met Amanda Duarte when she was kind enough to visit my screenwriters workshop for an evening of cold readings. She was an exceptionally skilled and quick-thinking actress while performing the movie pages; but what was even more notable were her off-hand comments during our critiquing afterwards. At one point Amanda said a scene was "funny as balls." I remarked that I'd never realized balls were comedic. Amanda instantly replied, "Take my word, Hy. I've seen a lot more of them than you have." It was then I realized that in addition to being a stellar actress, Amanda is a razor-sharp wit.

Both qualities are in ample evidence in Amanda's one-woman show, which explores the crazy behavior of celebrities, and the highly unglamorous life of performers seeking to attain their own fame. Some sample moments:

Hollywood star teaching her 4-year-old adopted trophy-daughter the right values by ordering a Diet Coke: "Emma, what does Mommy say? It's not a diet, it's a live-it. Now drink it up and be pretty."

A fading star in a restaurant: "I'm just trying to have lunch with my friend here today, so no autographs, okay? Oh. Sorry. I'll have the garden salad."

Failed actress turned waitress trying to force alcohol at noon on a fellow waitress in AA who just landed a TV role: "Let's celebrate with a drink! Really, one little glass isn't gonna hurt, is it? Look, you're being rude. Well, glad I don't have to live like that. Thank God I don't have a drinking problem, 'cause I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't have a drink."

Like Amanda, the show is smart, funny, raunchy, memorable...and recommended.

7:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8



Gloria Bigelow, Amy Beckerman, Leah Dubie, and Jackie Monahan

Dykes on Mics

Free gay-themed stand-up comedy show featuring the gals above

as regulars/hosts, plus tonight's guests

Maureen Langan, Chantal Carrere, and Jackie Jones.

7:00 pm at The Stonewall Inn, 53 Christopher Street (at 7th Avenue South); free



Ochi's Motel

Lottery-style open mic for stand-up comics trying out material,

with 4½ minutes per return for a $5 contribution to the weekly prize kitty.

(In addition, Ochi's 1-item food or drink minimum applies to everyone.)

A breathtaking 30+ comics perform in this 2½ hour show; producer

John Morrison (above) has described it as "comedy on crack."

If you're seeking consistent laughs, this might not be the best way to spend

your evening. But if you're patient and adventurous, it's a potentially wild ride.

And if you're a performer looking for some stage time, it's a nice opportunity.

Plus if you stick around till the show's end to support your fellow comics,

 you have a chance at winning the cash from the kitty, along with smaller prizes.

Ochi's Motel is hosted & booked by Sean Donnelly and Joe Powers.


To be entered into the weekly random drawing for performers,

please send email to ochismotel[at]

There are two shows tonight, at 6:30 and 9:00 pm (with entirely different sets of comics).

6:30 pm & 9:00 pm, Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues)

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




Greg Johnson, Jon Friedman, and Brooke Van Poppelen

Comedy Night at Chelsea Market

One of New York's great shopping institutions is the Chelsea Market,

which plays host to a wide range of nourishing foods and additively delicious snacks.

(Be sure to try the Fat Witch brownies, which are half-price from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm;

and Eleni's irresistible cupcakes and cookies, which are half-price from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.)

But with the aim of also being a cultural institution, Chelsea Market

plays home to a variety of fun events...including a Comedy Night.

In charge of the latter is Jon Friedman, host of the superb monthly NYC live comedy extravaganza The Rejection Show and author of the book Rejected: Tales of the Failed, Dumped, and Canceled.

Jon's scheduled lineup tonight includes Greg Johnson, Brooke Van Poppelen, Sean Patton, Jesse Popp, Sean O’Conner Ilana Glazer, and Megan Ganz.

The show takes place near the waterfall...and is entirely free.

7:30 pm at Chelsea Market, 75 9th Avenue (between 15th &16th Streets); free



The Liar Show

Eight funny people tell amazing stories. Six of the tales are absolutely true...but two of them are a pack of lies. The audience then asks questions to try and identify the fibbers. (Nail either liar and get a t-shirt.) Hosted by Andy Christie (The New York Times).

The Liar Show was just a smash hit at this August's Edinburgh Festival. Recommended.

Please Note: You can save $5 off the $20 cover (i.e., pay $15 per ticket)

by ordering online with discount code HyReviews.

Please also note there's also a two-item minimum;

with tax & tip, figure on spending an additional $13 or up.

8:00 pm at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

$15 online using code HYREVIEWS, plus two-item food or drink minimum, Live on Stage

The folks behind highly popular Web site get on stage tonight, along with top stand-up comics Leo Allen, Craig Baldo, and Tom McCaffrey.

Please note the comedy of isn't for every taste—like, for example, mine. But the site clearly understands its audience; and if you're one of the folks it appeals to, this is a great opportunity to hear behind-the-scenes stories and watch material too raw even for the Web.

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Hannibal Buress, Eugene Mirman, and Sean Patton...


...and Leo Allen and John Mulaney

Whiplash with Leo Allen: The Finest in Stand-Up Comedy, Free

Leo Allen is one of the most sharp, honest, and likeable stand-ups working in NYC. Leo was a writer for Saturday Night Live from 2002 through 2005. He's also performed two Comedy Central Presents 1/2-hour specials (one by himself and one with his writing partner Eric Slovin); done stand-up on Late Night with Conan O'Brien.; and acted on Ed and Sex and the City. Leo has now taken over the Monday-at-11:00 pm UCBT spot made super-special by Aziz Ansari's Crash Test and Jeremy Levenbach's Cavalcade! (In fact, this new show is produced by Jeremy.)

Tonight's wonderful guests are

Eugene Mirman (Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central Presents half-hour special,

Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Jump Cuts, HBO's Flight of the Conchords, VH1,

The Absurd Nightclub Comedy of Eugene Mirman and En Garde, Society! comedy albums,

award-winning co-host of weekly Brooklyn comedy show Tearing the Veil of Maya),

John Mulaney (one of the funniest stand-up comics in the country; since August 2008 has been staff writer for Saturday Night Live; frequently appears on VH1's Best Week Ever; performed stand-up twice on Late Night with Conan O'Brien; won the 2008 ECNY Award for Best Male Stand-Up Comedian; selected by Variety as among the 10 Comics to Watch for 2008; to check out videos of John's two Conan sets, please click here and here),

Sean Patton (2008 Montreal Just for Laughs Festival, LES' The Tommy Danger Show, founder of the New Orleans Comedy Festival; for stand-up audio clip about vitamin-coated condoms and stand-up video about drugs & weapons, please click here and here), and

Hannibal Buress (Comedy Central's Live at Gotham, Chicago's Finest).

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); free



NYC Comedy Picks for Tuesday 9/23/08


Todd Barry performs tonight at Seth Herzog's Sweet; and Anthony Jeselnik and Livia Scott

perform at Margie Kment's new show Hold for the Laughs

Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] a free live shoot of a comedy film starring superb stand-ups

Victor Varnado, Baron Vaughn, Eric André, and Hannibal Buress

in The Awkward Kings of Comedy (6:00 pm and 8:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] The Daily Show Segment Producer Elliot Kalan—who provides the voiceover

for the superhero version of President Bush called The Decider

joining in on a lively & fun discussion about comic books at Comic Book Club (8:00 pm),

three full hours of improv for only five bucks—tonight featuring the troupes Ragnaröck,

The Law Firm, The Scam, Bastian, and DeCoster—at Harold Night (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] genius stand-ups Todd Barry (David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, HBO, Comedy Central)

and Jessi Klein (Comedy Central, VH1, NBC, CNN, Adult Swim), and genius storyteller/author

Elna Baker (This American Life, Elle) at one of the finest & funniest shows in NYC,

the wonderful Seth Herzog's Sweet (9:00 pm),

brilliant comedic chameleon Livia Scott (Conan O'Brien), razor-sharp stand-up

Matt McCarthy (Comedy Central), Danny Leary (here! TV), and more at a show

pretending to be from the Pennsylvania heartland: Skip & Sparkle Variety (9:00 pm)

[TOP PICK] superb comics/writers Donald Glover (writer for 30 Rock, member of Derrick), Joe Mande

(writer/star of comedic mini-play Workdays with Maury), Greg Johnson, and more

join hosts Mike Drucker and Jon Clarke at Writers Room Comedy (9:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] some of the most brilliant and hilarious comics in the county—including Livia Scott

(Conan O'Brien), Anthony Jeselnik (Comedy Central Presents), Sean Patton, and

Jamie Lee—gather to entertain and raise some cash for a theatre project

at Margie Kment's new show Hold for the Laughs (10:00 pm),

and a free opportunity for you to perform improv with UCBT veterans at Jammin' with Ralph (11:00 pm).


The Awkward Kings of Comedy

Picking up on the success of The Kings of Comedy,

four of the most talented stand-ups in the alternative scene—

Victor Varnado, Baron Vaughn, Eric André, and Hannibal Buress,

plus interviewer (and talented stand-up in her own right) Marina Franklin—

have decided to shoot their own comedy film.

And you can be a part of it.


There will be two shows, at 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm,

at an East Village theatre.


Tickets are entirely free; but you must make a reservation

by calling (800) 521-4205 or emailing


If you aren't familiar with these superb talents,

check out their preview by clicking here.



The Daily Show's superhero version of President Bush: The Decider

Comic Book Club

Hosted by Alex Zalben, Justin Tyler and Pete LePage,

who enjoy discussing comic books while getting laughs.

Tonight's comedic guest is Elliot Kalan, who's half of sketch comedy duo The Hypocrites, and a segment producer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart—for which his duties have included providing voiceover for the comic book parody of President Bush titled The Decider.

To get a feel for the smart, playful vibe of Comic Book Club, please check out its podcasts—

that is, audio recordings of previous shows in their entirety—by clicking here.

(And for my fave, a delightful show with Kevin "Batman" Conroy, please click here).

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $5



Harold Night

The Harold is longform improv, pioneered by Del Close.

Tonight, five improv troupes—

Ragnaröck, The Law Firm, The Scam, Bastian, and DeCoster—

each give it a go for 30 minutes, with

short breaks in between, for a total of 3 hours.

Some of the groups are great; some are less so. And this show

is designed more for students of improv than the general public.

But if you're interested, and patient, a mere $5 will buy you

a full evening's education...and periodic solid laughs.

8:00-11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Elna Baker, Todd Barry, and Jessie Klein...


...and Seth Herzog and Michael Showalter


Hosted by the razor-sharp, dynamic, and hilarious Seth Herzog (VH1's Best Week Ever).

Seth is one of the finest hosts around—and this is one of the best comedy shows in NYC.

Tonight's thoroughly wonderful guests are

Todd Barry (wryly brilliant stand-up who's one of the very best in the biz;

Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien,

Comedy Central Presents; HBO's Flight of the Conchords, Lucky Louie, and Sex in the City;

Comedy Central's Freak Show, Dr. Katz, and Shorties Watching Shorties;

Adult Swim's Space Ghost, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,  and Tom Goes To The Mayor;

recently acted in the upcoming Darren Aronofsky film The Wrestler;

check out Todd's newest comedy CD From Heaven),

Jessi Klein (deliciously honest, brilliant, hilarious stand-up star; Rolling Stones' comedy "Hot List;" Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn;

VH1's Best Week Ever; NBC's The Today Show; CNN; The Showbiz Show with David Spade;

voice of Lucy on Adult Swim's Lucy the Daughter of the Devil;

for a video stand-up sample about which celebrity would save

 the most Jews, and on email etiquette, please click here and here), and

Elna Baker (brilliant writer, storyteller, improvisor, and comics creator whose If You See Something was best one-woman show at FringeNYC 2006; This American Life, Elle Magazine; currently writing a book about her experiences living and dating as a Mormon in NYC; according to HBO Comedy Development's Dan Gregor, "Elna Baker tells stories with so much effortless charm and natural humor that you almost forget she's on a stage and you're not just sharing a beer. Endearing, funny, and unique—I think everyone in the audience was secretly hoping her next story would include them").

9:00 pm at The Slipper Room, 167 Orchard Street  (corner of Stanton Street); tickets are $5




The Skip & Sparkle Variety Show

In this new show, "Pennsylvania's favorite jokester song-and-dance team, Skip Lickdale and Sparkle Montgomery, and that ol' biz workhorse Ron Phoenixville, bring you the most fun cast of characters that New York has to offer. Gags, singing-n-dancing, ukuleles and more!"

Tonight's superb lineup consists of

Livia Scott (brilliant comedic chameleon who's a stellar stand-up and sketch comic, and also an extraordinary actress; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central's Motherload, world-class sketch groups Meat and Dirty Jeans & Thunderchief, host of NYC comedy show Livia's Castle of Enchantment, 2008 ECNY Award-nominated one-woman show Goodnight, O.J.),

Matt McCarthy (razor-sharp comic; Comedy Central's Live at Gotham; co-host of biweekly LIC live comedy extravaganza The Matt and Katina Show),

Danny Leary (here! TV's Hot Gay Comics, host of NYC live comedy show On the Rocks),

Robert Keller (Logo TV), and

D'yan Forest (comedic cabaret singer and ukulele player).

9:00 pm at Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)




Greg Johnson, Joe Mande, and Donald Glover

Writers Room Comedy

Stand-ups, sketch writers, and funny authors

read excerpts from their most hilarious material.

The show is hosted by

Mike Drucker (winner of Disney's 2007 So You Think You're Funny competition

and performer on Comedy Central's The Watchlist; 23/ contributor; for Drucker's explanation of how life is like video games and comic books, please click here; and to learn

why Drucker's girlfriend wouldn't give him a gold star, please click here) and

Jon Clarke (for a stand-up video about Cookie Monster, please click here).

Tonight's superb comics/writers are

Joe Mande (2008 ECNY Award winner for Best Emerging Comic; VH1; 23/;

writer/co-star of new autobiographical comedic play Workdays with Maury at UCBT;

co-host of NYC live comedy show Totally J/K),

Donald Glover (writer for NBC's 30 Rock; multiple appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien; member of three-man improv/sketch comedy troupe Derrick, which is a star

both on stage at UCBT and on the Web via their wildly popular YouTube videos—

for samples, please click here and here and here and here),

Greg Johnson (sharp, quick-witted stand-up comic who co-hosts the NYC comedy extravaganza The Greg Johnson & Larry Murphy Show,

which won the 2008 ECNY Award for Best Variety Show),

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $5




The magical Livia Scott, and the hilarious Anthony Jeselnik being lauded by Robin Williams...


...and Margie Kment, Jamie Lee, and Sean Patton

Hold for the Laughs

To raise funds for a theatre project, some of NYC's finest comedians are getting together to entertain you. The lineup is stellar, so please help out—and save yourself a couple of bucks by buying in advance online ($10 per ticket vs. $12 at the door).

This event is produced and hosted by Margie Kment (for stand-up video about dating a stoner, please click here).

And the wonderful comics are

Anthony Jeselnik (phenomenal comic specializing in darkly shocking jokes and one of

my favorite stand-ups ever; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, upcoming Comedy Central Presents 1/2-hour special, HBOComedy Central's Premium Blend, ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live,  NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly, MTV's Most Valuable Players;

for stand-up videos, please click here and here),

Livia Scott (brilliant comedic chameleon who's a stellar stand-up and sketch comic, and also an extraordinary actress; Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central's Motherload, world-class sketch groups Meat and Dirty Jeans & Thunderchief, host of NYC comedy show Livia's Castle of Enchantment, 2008 ECNY Award-nominated one-woman show Goodnight, O.J.),

Jamie Lee ('s Best Night Ever, Archers of Ha,,

Sean Patton (2008 Montreal Just for Laughs Festival, LES' The Tommy Danger Show, founder of the New Orleans Comedy Festival; for a stand-up audio clip about vitamin-coated condoms, please click here),

Taylor Williamson (Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, MTV, Fuel TV's The Daily Habit,

for sample stand-up video, please click here), and

Barry Rothbart (member of sketch troupe The StraightMen; for video about a robot roommate, please click here).

10:00 pm at the Sage Theatre, 711 Seventh Avenue, 2nd floor

(between 47th and 48th Streets); tickets are $10 in advance online, $12 at door




Jammin' With Ralph

To perform improvisation at UCBT, you must spend years taking classes and carefully perfecting your craft...or you can come to this monthly free show, which allows audience members to jump on stage and participate!

Hosted by popular long-form improv troupe The Law Firm, which consists of superb talents Dominic Dierkes, Jonathan Gabrus, Sue Galloway, Nate Lang, Gil Ozeri, Adam Pally, Ben Rodgers, and Gavin Speiller.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); free



NYC Comedy Picks for Wednesday 9/24/08


The brilliantly hilarious Chris Gethard, Curtis Gwinn, and Anthony Atamanuik tell true tales

of disastrously failed relationships at UCBT's The Nights of Our Lives

Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] some of most razor-sharp and uproariously funny storytellers in the country—Anthony Atamanuik, John Flynn, Chris Gethard, Curtis Gwinn, and Dave Martin—telling deeply personal tales about "Love Gone Bad" at one of the finest shows in NYC, The Nights of Our Lives (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] and a free, laid-back, and occasionally magical variety show where virtually anything can happen on a School Night (11:00).


The Nights  of Our Lives: Love Gone Bad

This is one of the best shows in New York.

The format is simple: A bunch of razor-sharp writer/performers tell stories

about themselves revolving around the evening's theme—which tonight

is the potentially mind-blowing "Love Gone Bad."

The only rules of the show are that the tales must be true, and must be funny.

The brutal honesty, and jarring bravery, of some the participants can be hair-raising.

What they offer aren't merely jokes, but resonant, humane perspectives on life.

At the same time, there are very few shows, on or off Broadway,

that will make you laugh as consistently and as loud.

Enormous kudos go to host David Martin; and to brilliant storytellers

Anthony Atamanuik, John Flynn, Chris Gethard, Curtis Gwinn, Anthony King,

Margot Leitman, Adam Pally, and the other comedy soldiers who've bared

some of their darkest and funniest secrets on the Nights of Our Lives stage.

This evening's scheduled yarn-spinners are stellar core regulars: the aforementioned Anthony Atamanuik, John Flynn, Chris Gethard, Curtis Gwinn, and Dave Martin. Expect a highly memorable evening.

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Justin Purnell

School Night

Host Justin Purnell provides a mix of guests who perform stand-up, improv, music,

and occasionally acts that defy categorization. The level of talent can vary wildly—

but for some (like me), that's part of the laid-back fun.

Come support the experimentation, and periodic magical surprises,

that this typically wonderful free show makes possible.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); free



NYC Comedy Picks for Thursday 9/25/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] the kickoff show for the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival, with guests including

Janeane Garofalo, Bobby Tisdale, Seth Herzog, and Patrick Borelli, at the tongue-in-cheek

Opening Night Awards Gala (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] a double-bill of one-woman shows from two of the funniest comedic performers

in New York, Kimmy Gatewood and Alicia Levy, in Totally Worth It (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] sharp NYC comics DC Benny (Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central Presents, The Chris Rock Show),

Vic Henley (David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central Presents), Michelle Buteau

(Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central), and Carmen Lynch (Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central)

in the Comix Comedy Club stand-up showcase Hot Comix (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] shining stars Jason Sudeikis (cast member of Saturday Night Live) and Ana Ortiz (cast member

of Ugly Betty) visit Jessica Chaffin & Jamie Denbo playing book authors offering sage advice

to Jewish singles at Ronna & Beverly's All Jew Revue (8:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] a hilarious panel about the news at Shut Up! I Hate You! (9:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] and the phenomenal Ben Rodgers pitting his improv skills against lab-bred

LD & The Scientist competing for audience laughs & votes at the raucous Cage Match (11:00 pm).


Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event running September 25-28 in Brooklyn. It kicks off tonight with a show hosted by Eugene, and including guests Janeane Garofalo, Bobby Tisdale, Seth Herzog, Patrick Borelli, and many others. This will be a fake awards show, with food, followed by Bobby Bingo (Bobby Tisdale's super-fun bingo game), and an afterparty DJed by Craig Baldo.

To purchase tickets ($15), please click here.

8:00 pm at The Bell House, 149 7th Street (bet. 2nd & 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)



Kimmy Gatewood and Alicia Levy

Totally Worth It

In this stellar double-bill, two of the funniest comics in NYC perform one-woman shows.

Alicia Levy is a member of world-class sketch troupe Drop Six, which is famed for its wonderful mix of physical comedy and music. Alicia provides both in abundance as she plays such characters as a painfully clumsy stripper, an insanely cautious expert on child safety, and a splendorous fairy contemplating a wing reduction. The material isn't always balanced—for example, the baby expert is a running joke that's done to death—but Alicia's performances are consistently energetic and fearless, making her an up-and-comer worth keeping an eye on.

Kimmy Gatewood is a member of one of the finest sketch groups in the country, The Apple Sisters, which has appeared on Comedy Central and won the 2008 ECNY Award for Best Musical Comedy Act. Kimmy has devoted herself intensely to improv and sketch; and all her hard, smart work shines through in The Engagement, for which she plays a series of characters offering advice to a bride on her wedding day. I first saw this show a year ago, and was impressed with Kimmy as an actress but less than thrilled with her script. I'm not sure the material has significantly changed—but Kimmy's performances are now so brilliant that I no longer even care. Combining hilarious over-the-top comedy with nuanced, organic acting, Kimmy is proving herself a star who couldn't be more ready for a break on Broadway, TV, or film. If you're in the industry, hire this rare jewel before someone else is wise enough to snatch her up.

And if you're not, simply come to this show to be dazzled and enchanted...

and to enjoy 75 minutes packed with laughs.

8:00 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8




Michelle Buteau, Vic Henley, and DC Benny

Hot Comix: Benny, Buteau, Henley, Lynch

Sharp stand-up comics perform in this showcase

praised by New York Magazine and The Gothamist.

Tonight's scheduled comedians include

DC Benny (Last Comic Standing finalist, Comedy Central Presents half-hour special

and Comedy Central's Premium Blend, The Chris Rock Show, Showtime at the Apollo, Friday Night Videos; TV and movie actor for Law & Order, The Cosby Show, Spider-Man 3, and the upcoming film Five Nights in Brooklyn),

Michelle Buteau (Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's Premium Blend;

for stand-up video about Utah, sharing, and tits, please click here),

Vic Henley (Late Show with David Letterman, Tonight Show with Jay Leno, upcoming Comedy Central Presents half-hour special; for his stand-up set on Letterman, please click here), and

Carmen Lynch (Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's Premium Blend;

for stand-up video about being tall, please click here).

Please Note: You can save $5 off the $20 cover (i.e., pay $15 per ticket)

by ordering online with discount code HyReviews.

Please also note there's a two-item food or drink minimum;

with tax & tip, figure on spending an additional $13 or up.

8:00 pm at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

$15 online using code HYREVIEWS, plus two-item minimum




Jason Sudeikis and Ana Ortiz...


...and Jessica Chaffin and Jamie Denbo

Ronna & Beverly's All Jew Revue

Hosted by Jessica Chaffin & Jamie Denbo play Ronna Glickman & Beverly Kahn, the bestselling authors of You'll Do a Little Better Next Time: A Guide to Marriage and Remarriage for Jewish Singles. To get a feel for the act, please visit

Tonight's stellar guests are Jason Sudeikis (Saturday Night Live writer since 2003 and cast member since 2006; former love interest of Liz Lemmon on 30 Rock) and Ana Ortiz (cast member of Ugly Betty).

8:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Anthony King and Kate Spencer

Shut Up! I Hate You!

A funny look at the news, with lots of amusing video clips,

hosted by Anthony King (UCBT Artistic Director, Reuben Williams)

and Kate Spencer (, member of stellar improv troupe Reuben Williams).

Tonight's razor-sharp panelists are Peter Gwinn (writer for The Colbert Report), Anthony Atamanuik (star improv troupe Death By Roo Roo), Julie Klausner (Obsessed, Wasp Cove), and Streeter Seidell (

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5




Cage Match: Ben Rodgers vs. LD & the Scientist

This delightful show pits two improv teams against each other while creating the

atmosphere of a professional wrestling arena—and providing such side-shows

as a bout to the death between guys costumed as an alcoholic wolf and TV's Alf.

(For a spirited weekly report on the wrestling aspect of Cage Match, please click here.)

In an historic upset, after trouncing 17 troupes in a row—handily breaking the previous Cage Match winning streak record of 14 set by Optimist International in 2002—champion improv group Death by Roo Roo was finally defeated last week, in a close vote of a single improvisor.

The winner was Ben Rodgers who was, by all accounts, brilliant. I wasn't there, but to read a description of the epic night by comic/writer/photographer Keith Huang, please click here.

This season of Cage Match has been phenomenal, and last night was apparently a fitting capper to Roo Roo's extraordinary run. If you missed it, keep in mind Death by Roo Roo continues to perform at UCBT every Friday at 11:00 pm. And you can see Ben Rodgers deliver another astonishing solo improv show tonight.

The contender will sketch/improv troupe LD & The Scientist, consisting of Curtis Rutherford, Amy Whitehouse, Ben Whitehouse, and David Bartin. According to informed sources, "LD & The Scientist has been genetically engineered in an improv laboratory to blow any Cage Match competitor away," so expect a vigorous battle.

There's no telling what'll happen...which is one of the great pleasures of this extravaganza.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5


Special Comedy Events

Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event.

The scheduled shows, running September 25-28, are as follows:

Lineups are subject to change.

Tickets are $7 for Union Hall shows, $10 for Bell House shows, and $15 for Thursday's kickoff

The Bell House is at 149 7th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)

Union Hall is at 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the 2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street



NYC Comedy Picks for Friday 9/26/08


Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] three shows, featuring such stellar guests as John Oliver, Andy Blitz, Aziz Ansari, and

Dave Hill, as part of the continuing Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival (5:30 pm, 7:00 pm, and 9:00 pm),

sketch troupes battling for laughs and audience votes in this new show

hosted by star comedy group Derrick: Backyard Brawl (8:00 pm),

a gay-themed stand-up comedy show hosted by Jenny Rubin: The Back Room (9:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] some of the finest improv in NYC from the comedy genius members of The Stepfathers (9:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] master sketch comic Kurt Braunohler in his new one-man show

A Meditation on Dum Dums and B-Holes (9:30 pm),

singing improvisors who use an interview with an audience member to craft The Made-Up Musical (10:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] and one of my all-time favorite improv troupes—which this season broke the Cage Match record

for winning streaks with 17 wins in a row—the brilliant and daring members of Death by Roo Roo (11:00 pm).



Comedy geniuses John Oliver, Andy Blitz, and Eugene Mirman

Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event running September 25-28 in Brooklyn. Today's scheduled shows are:

Lineups are subject to change.

Tickets are $7 for Union Hall shows and $10 for Bell House shows

The Bell House is at 149 7th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)

Union Hall is at 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the 2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street



Backyard Brawl

Derrick is three sharp and enormously appealing performers,

Dominic Dierkes, Donald Glover, and DC Pierson, who are sketch comedy

stars via their wildly popular YouTube videos—

for some samples, please click here and here and here.

In this new show, the guys host a contest between six other

sketch groups who compete for audience laughs & votes.

One of the most successful shows at UCBT is Cage Match,

which features contests between improv troupes.

Here's hoping this extravaganza enjoys similar success for sketch.

8:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $10



Jenny Rubin, Dave Rubin, Paul Case, and Shawn Hollenbach

The Back Room

Gay-themed comedy (with both gay & straight comics),

hosted by the charming Jenny Rubin (WE TV).

Tonight's stand-ups include

Back Room co-producer Paul Case (MTV, D-Listed Radio),

Back Room co-producer Shawn Hollenbach (here! TV's Busted), and

Back Room co-producer Dave Rubin (here! TV's Dave Rubin Project and Hot Gay Comics).

9:00 pm at Ochi's Lounge at Comix, 353 West 14th Street (between 8th & 9th Avenues);

no cover, 1 drink or food item minimum (e.g., draft beer for $4-$5)



Back: Will Hines, Zach Woods, Michael Delaney, and Bobby Moynihan

Front: Chris Gethard, Shannon O'Neill, and Silvija Ozols

The Stepfathers

Some of the smartest & finest improv comics in NYC—Michael Delaney,

Chris Gethard, Will Hines, Bobby Moynihan, Shannon O'Neill, Silvija Ozols,

and Zach Woods—make up a series of scenes from a one-word audience suggestion.

With art and grace, these star talents will make you laugh—a lot.

9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $10



Kurt Braunohler's One Man Show: A Meditation on Dum Dums and B-Holes

Kurt Braunohler is a frequent comedy partner of Kristen Schaal, performing  sketches that are hilariously indescribable. He's also a co-star of Web series Penelope, Princess of Pets, for which Kurt won the 2008 ECNY Award as Best Director; and

co-host with Kristen of NYC/LA comedy show Hot Tub Variety Show.

Tonight, however, Kurt will perform solo (not counting occasional fish cameos), demonstrating he's a formidable comic on his own as well.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $8



The Made-Up Musical

Veteran improvisor John O'Donnell is accompanied

by a rotating cast that might include such superb talents as

Tara Copeland, Scott Glover, Alex Marino, Louis Kornfeld,

 Jessica Allen, Robin Rothman, and Megan Gray

—and with Frank Spitznagel on piano—

turn an interview with an audience member

into a musical they make up on the spot.

10:00 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $7



Death by Roo Roo: Your F*cked Up Family

Arguably the gutsiest improv troupe in NYC, the brilliant comics of Death by Roo RooAnthony Atamanuik, Neil Casey, John Gemberling, Curtis Gwinn, Adam Pally, and Gavin Speiller—interview an audience member about family and then act out his or her life story

via improvised scenes. Sometimes scary, and usually hilarious.

11:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $10



NYC Comedy Picks for Saturday 9/27/08


Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] shows featuring such stellar guests as Janeane Garofalo, Kristen Schaal,

Michael Showalter, and the Sklar Brothers as part of the

continuing Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival (2:00 pm, 7:00 pm, and 9:00 pm),

star improvisation from writers & performers at 30 Rock, The Colbert Report,

and The Daily show who joyously declare Let's Have a Ball (7:30 pm),

Second City veterans, Magnet instructors, UCBT stars, and occasional celebs

at the Magnet's signature improv show The Tiny Spectacular (7:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] a blowout conclusion to the longest run in UCBT's history, the rockin' Mother: The Soundtrack (9:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] stellar comics Mike Birbiglia, Shayna Ferm, Baron Vaughn, Craig Baldo, and more

—plus free beer—at Tom Shillue's acclaimed Moonwork (9:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] inventive & hilarious sketch comedy from The Harvard Sailing Team (9:30 pm),

and organic & energetic improv by the four guys of 4 Track! (10:30 pm).



Comedy treasures Janeane Garofalo and Kristen Schaal

Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event running September 25-28 in Brooklyn. Today's scheduled shows are:

Lineups are subject to change.

Tickets are $7 for Union Hall shows and $10 for Bell House shows

The Bell House is at 149 7th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)

Union Hall is at 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the 2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street




Becky Drysdale, Anthony King, Christina Gausas, Peter Gwinn, and Tami Sagher

Let's Have a Ball

Some of the sharpest writers and performers in NYC get together for long-form improv fun.

Among the players often performing are Scott Adsit (cast member of 30 Rock, and co-director & cast member of Adult Swim's brilliant & Emmy-winning Moral Orel), Kay Cannon (writer for 30 Rock), Becky Drysdale (acclaimed one-woman show One Woman in Several Pieces, Web video series Time Traveling Lesbian), Christina Gausas (Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Stepfathers, Dorff & Gausas), Peter Gwinn (writer for The Colbert Report), Anthony King (UCBT-NY Artistic Director, Reuben Williams, Gutenberg! The Musical), Laura Krafft (writer for The Colbert Report), Tami Sagher (writer for 30 Rock; writer and producer for Mad TV 2001-2006), and Rob Riggle (correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Saturday Night Live, The Office).

7:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $10


The Tiny Spectacular

Magnet instructors & Second City veterans such as Rachel Hamilton, Ed Herbstman, Abby Sher, and Miriam Tolan, plus stars of Mother: The Soundtrack (see below) Jason Mantzoukas, Tara Copeland, James Eason, Christine Walters, plus occasional special guests (such as superstar Mike Meyers), turn a tiny suggestion into larger-than-life improvised scenes.

7:30 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



Mother: The Soundtrack

Jason Mantzoukas leads a vibrant team of improv comics—Scot Armstrong, Tara Copeland, Jon Daly, James Eason, Jesse Falcon, Doug Moe, and Christine Walters—who make up scenes based on CD tracks contributed by the audience. One of UCBT's most beloved shows—and, because many of its cast members are moving to LA, a troupe that tonight will be ending the longest run in UCBT history.

This show sold out its seats weeks ago. However, you can probably still get in if you're cool with standing; and considering the historic occasion, the likely special guests, and the fact this show may go on for hours, doing so is recommended.

9:00 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $10




Mike Birbiglia, Shayna Ferm, and Tom Shillue


Acclaimed monthly comedy show hosted by Tom Shillue (Comedy Central Presents,

Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, storytelling podcasts;

for stand-up samples, please click here and here), who demonstrates his storytelling prowess via an extended witty monologue at the end of the show.

Tonight's superb guests are

Mike Birbiglia (flat-out one of the funniest stand-up comedians in the country; hour-long Comedy Central special titled What I Should Have Said is Nothing; two

Comedy Central Presents half-hour specials; appeared multiple times on

Late Show with David Letterman and Late Night with Conan O'Brien;

released the comedy CDs Two Drink Mike and My Secret Public Journal—Live

—chosen by Time Out New York as the Comedy Album of the Year; off-Broadway solo show Sleepwalk with Me starting October 14th at 45 Bleecker Street Theatre—for discount tickets, please click here),

Shayna Ferm (singer/songwriter stand-up who's one of the sharpest and finest comics in the biz; member of world-class sketch group Fearsome; comedic music album Blonde; for samples of Shay's songs, please click here),

Baron Vaughn (MTV's The Gamekillers, VH1's Awesomely Oversexed and

Best Week Ever, co-star of weekly NYC live political comedy show Shoot the Messenger;

just-taped new comedy film The Awkward Kings of Comedy; for a radio interview, please click here),

Craig Baldo (performed over 30 sketches on Late Night with Conan O'Brien; Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central's Premium Blend and Comic Remix; VH1, Bravo, The Onion;

for Craig's recent stand-up set on Conan O'Brien, please click here), and

EriK Frandsen (comedic singer/songwriter and actor).

9:00 pm at Phil Coltoff Center, 219 Sullivan Street (bet. Bleecker & West 3rd);

tickets are $20...which includes free beer



The Harvard Sailing Team: Fall Recital

The Harvard Sailing Team, which won the 2008 ECNY Award for Best Sketch Comedy Group,

performs their special brand of fresh, imaginative comedy

that turns familiar rituals on their head. (For a video about awkward goodbyes

at the end of a party, please click here.) The very talented troupe consists of

Rebecca Brey, Jen Curran, Clayton Early, Faryn Einhorn, Katie Larson,

Adam Lustick, Chris Smith, Billy Scafuri, and Sara Taylor.

9:30 pm at The Peoples Improv Theater, 154 West 29th Street (off 7th Avenue); tickets are $10



4 Track!

Springboarding from a word suggested by the audience,

George Basil, Frank Campanella, Christian Capozzoli, and Matt Evans

perform organic & energetic long-form improv for about 40 minutes.

Basil is a stand-out, but they're all sharp, committed improvisors.

There's also a warm chemistry between the men, which is especially evident

if you arrive early to watch them getting ready on stage: They toss a ball

back and forth, and then toss each other back and forth...sending

a body message of "If you throw an improv concept at me, you can trust me

to not let it drop..." One of the Magnet's most popular shows.

10:30 pm at The Magnet Theatre, 254 West 29th Street (off 8th Avenue); tickets are $5



NYC Comedy Picks for Sunday 9/28/08

Tonight's recommendations for the best in New York City comedy

(in chronological order, with top picks marked by colored brackets) include:

[TOP PICK] shows featuring such stellar guests as Mike Birbiglia, John Mulaney, Fred Armisen,

and Variety SHAC to conclude the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival (7:00 pm and 9:00 pm),

[TOP PICK] UCBT's playground for celebrities and ace improvisors,

ASSSSCAT 3000 (7:30 pm and 9:30 pm),

[TOP PICK] and stand-up comics Mike Drucker, Sean O'Connor, and Lucas Held at a free show hosted by star troupe Derrick in Queens' Long Island City: This Is New York (9:00 pm).




The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre's signature show, which features a monologist telling stories based on audience suggestions and a group of top improvisers (sometimes including stars such as SNL's Amy Poehler and Horatio Sanz) creating scenes based on the stories. There are two shows every Sunday which share the same format, but are otherwise entirely different because everything is improvised. The 7:30 pm show is $8; advance tickets might be sold out by the time you read this, but a limited number of seats are available at the door for

those who arrive early enough to nab 'em...and even more tickets are available for those willing to watch the show standing. The 9:30 show is free, with tickets distributed outside the theatre

 at 8:15 pm; but again, you may need to come early and wait on line to ensure getting into

this first come,  first served performance.

7:30 pm & 9:30 pm at UCBT, 307 West 26th Street (off 8th Avenue)




Hosts Michael Showalter & Eugene Mirman

Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event running September 25-28 in Brooklyn. Today's scheduled shows are:

Lineups are subject to change.

Tickets are $7 for Union Hall shows and $10 for Bell House shows

The Bell House is at 149 7th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)

Union Hall is at 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the 2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street




Donald Glover, DC Pierson, Dominic Dierkes, and Mike Drucker

This Is New York

Derrick is three sharp and enormously appealing performers,

Dominic Dierkes, Donald Glover, and DC Pierson, who are sketch comedy

stars via their wildly popular YouTube videos—

for some samples, please click here and here and here.

The guys have also just finished shooting their first feature comedy film—

to view the trailer, please click here.

And in this weekly free show in Queens' Long Island City, these impressively

multi-talented comics host a comedy showcase featuring NYC stand-ups

...and also themselves performing both stand-up and sketch.

Tonight's fine guests are 

Mike Drucker (winner of Disney's 2007 So You Think You're Funny competition

and performer on Comedy Central's The Watchlist; 23/ contributor; for Drucker's explanation of how life is like video games and comic books, please click here; and to learn

why Drucker's girlfriend wouldn't give him a gold star, please click here) and

Sean O'Connor (VH1; for fun stand-up videos, please click here and here),

Lucas Held (co-host of biweekly NYC live comedy show Her Majesty's Stand-Up; writes popular blog The Most Famous Dolphin).

9:00 pm at The Creek and The Cave, 10-93 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, Queens; free

From Manhattan, take the #7 subway to the Vernon Boulevard-Jackson Avenue stop (one stop after Grand Central); exit on Jackson Avenue and walk one block north to 49th Avenue


Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

Everybody else is doing a comedy why not Eugene Mirman?

That's essentially the reasoning behind what promises to be an extremely fun event.

The scheduled shows, running September 25-28, are as follows:

Lineups are subject to change.

Tickets are $7 for Union Hall shows, $10 for Bell House shows, and $15 for Thursday's kickoff

The Bell House is at 149 7th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Take the M/F/R train to 9th Street - 4th Avenue Union Street, and walk 2 blocks to 7th Street

and 1 1/2 avenues (between 3rd & 2nd Avenues)

Union Hall is at 702 Union Street at 5th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Take the R train to Union Street and walk 1 block east; or take

the F train to 4th Avenue, walk north on 4th Avenue and turn right on Union Street, and go 1 block up;

or take the 2/3/4/5/Q train to Atlantic Avenue, walk south on 5th Avenue, and make a left on Union Street




New York Magazine Presents Campfire on the Canal with José González and The UCB Touring Company

New York Magazine is celebrating 40 years of publication with an evening of music and comedy provided by star singer/guitarist José González (performing a full set) and the hilarious world-class comics of the Upright Citizens Brigade Touring Company (telling spooky campfire stories and tales of sleepaway camp, performing improv, and lord knows what else). Plus, free beer.

Seats will be first come, first served on the evening of the event. To order a ticket ($23.75, which includes a year's subscription to New York Magazine), please click here.

5:00-9:00 pm on Sunday, September 28th at The Yard, 388-400 Carroll Street in Brooklyn;

take the F/G subway to Carroll Street or N/R subway to Union Street;

ticket is $23.75 online (includes 46-issue subscription to New York Magazine)


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