NYC Comedy Picks for Week of December 26, 2011

NYC Comedy Picks for Monday 12/26/11

Stephanie DiMaggio Julie Sharbutt

Stellar theatrical actresses Stephanie DiMaggio & Julie Sharbutt mix it up with top improvisors at Gravid Water...

Wyatt Cenac Brooke Van Poppelen

...and Wyatt Cenac, Brooke Van Poppelen, and more perform stand-up (while actually standing) at Whiplash


Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:


[FREE] 6:00 pm: An open mic stand-up show running about 90 minutes at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City with host Chris Gaynor: Open Mic Mondays

[$] 7:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  A comic best known for his appearances on Comedy Central celebrity roasts, but who's also performed on David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The View, HBO, CNN, MSNBC—and even ABC's Dancing with the Stars!—headlining through Friday at the Carolines Comedy Club: Jeffrey Ross

[FREE] 7:30 pm: Four improvisers form teams with comics they've never performed with before at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City: The Kaleidoscope

[MEGA-TOP PICK] 8:00 pm ($5): Broadway & off-Broadway stars Cristin Milioti (30 Rock; Coram Boy, Lieutenant of Inishmore on Broadway), Stephen Ruddy (Skype Duet, Chekhov's Gun), Stephanie DiMaggio (A Free Man of Color on Broadway), and Julie Sharbutt (Shakespeare in the Park: Twelfth Night, Maladies) mixing it up with some of the greatest  improvisors in the world—Scott Adsit (30 Rock, Moral Orel, John & Scott), Michael Delaney (Conan O'Brien, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Stepfathers), and Becky Drysdale (Baby Wants Candy, Let's Have a Ball, One Woman in Several Pieces), as they crash improv into classic theatre scenes at UCB Chelsea for actor/director Stephen Ruddy's Gravid Water

8:00 pm ($10): Twins Todd & Adam Stone perform stand-up and more at this monthly show at The PIT, along with comedy guests (not announced): Stone and Stone Show

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 9:00 pm: PIT owner Ali Farahnakian and razor-sharp PIT instructors perform improv at The PIT downstairs lounge in The Faculty Part 2: Electric Boogaloo; plus improv troupe Technicolor

[TOP PICK] 9:30 pm ($5): A beloved show that brings dead celebrities back to life has itself been resurrected at UCB Chelsea, with magical comedic chameleon Livia Scott (Conan O'Brien, Law & Order, Dirty Movie) hosting tonight as Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, and Amy Winehouse. Joining the party will be Rachel Feinstein (finalist on Last Comic Standing; Comedy Central; opens for Sarah Silverman on tour), Mike Dobbins (unique stream-of-consciousness comic), and musical guest Hardcore Boris (Boris Khaykin): Livia's Castle of Enchantment

[FREE] 9:30 pm: Long-form improv from troupe Casual Sex Offenders at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City: CSO Improv Comedy

[FREE] 10:30 pm: Improv students are welcomed onto the stage at The PIT downstairs lounge for this weekly open access show hosted by Gary DeNoia & Keith Huang: Base Jam

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 11:00 pm: Some of the finest comics in the world performing at UCB Chelsea—who tonight are Wyatt Cenac (star correspondent for The Daily Show), Neal Brennan (HBO, Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, co-creator of Chappelle's Show), Myq Kaplan (one of the quickest minds in comedy, and rapidly rising star; finalist on most recent Last Comic Standing; Jay Leno, Comedy Central Presents, hit comedy CD Vegan Mind Meld), Brooke Van Poppelen (brilliant stand-up, writer, and storyteller; trutV, TLC, co-host of Dive Comedy; for stand-up videos about overindulging at 30 and impersonating Morrisey, please click here and here), and Greg Barris (host of Heart of Darkness)—guest-hosted tonight by Damien Lemon: Whiplash

[FREE] 11:00 pm: If you're an audience member who loves stand-up, Monday at 11 should be Whiplash! night (see listing above). If you're a comic who couldn't get booked on UCBT's all-star show, though, you can opt to instead practice your skills at this stand-up open mic at The PIT upstairs theatre hosted by Michelle Wolf and the hilarious Erin Lennox (for a sample of Erin's dynamite Seriously Sports show, please click here): Fresh



NYC Comedy Picks for Tuesday 12/27/11

James Adomian  Wyatt Cenac

James Adomian does his thing at Tell Your Friends; Wyatt Cenac tells tales for improvisors at TrapDoor


Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:


[TOP PICK] 7:00 pm ($5): Based on her years inside the velvet trenches of Wall Street, Michelle Wolf (co-host of Fresh) introduces you to the characters who deserve every penny of their 20 billion dollars in cash bonuses (actual 2010 figure, via CNNMoney) via this one-woman show at The PIT downstairs lounge: Wall Street Meat

7:00 pm ($5): Two shows trying out for a spot on The Magnet schedule: Anna Suzuki's one-woman event The Worst Play Ever Written, and a sketch troupe on Missed Connections: An Exploration into the Online Postings of Desperate Romantics

[FREE] 7:00 pm: Open mic for comedy of all types (with sign-up starting at 6:00) at Queens LIC's The Creek upstairs theatre hosted by Robert Dean: The Dean's List

[$] 7:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  A comic best known for his appearances on Comedy Central celebrity roasts, but who's also performed on David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The View, HBO, CNN, MSNBC—and even ABC's Dancing with the Stars!—headlining through Friday at the Carolines Comedy Club: Jeffrey Ross

[TOP PICK] 8:00 pm ($5): Wyatt Cenac (star correspondent for The Daily Show) is the monologist for a troupe of improvisors who'll make us scenes based on the tales he tells at The PIT upstairs theatre: TrapDoor

8:00 pm ($5): James Adomian (hilarious, super-charged character comic/impressionist; finalist on most recent Last Comic Standing; Harold and Kumar 2), Aidan BIshop (visiting from Dublin), Sandy Marks (CBS' King of Queens, director of documentary Manhattan Comedy Nights), and more performing at the Lolita Bar with host Liam McEneaney: Tell Your Friends

8:00 pm ($5): Streeter Seidell (College Humor, Jimmy Kimmel, MTV), Craig Rowin (Comedy Central, ESPN, The Onion, The Law Firm, perpetrator of fabulous hoax Please Give Me One Million Dollars), Matt Koff (Onion News Network, WitStream, 9 Am Meeting), and Jen Statsky (writer for Jimmy Fallon, The Onion, McSweeney's) performing at UCB East for a comedy variety show produced by Sara Schaefer & Scott Moran: Hot Dang

8:00 pm-Midnight ($5): Four full hours of improv at UCB Chelsea for only five bucks—tonight featuring UCBT house troupes Dance Break, Still Mike, Sandino, Grandma's Ashes, and Mr. Crime—and at 11:00 pm advanced improv students perform a show "where scenes never end, but instead flow out of old locations and into new ones"—all at Harold Night

[FREE] 8:00 pm: This weekly show features "a swarthy selection of fine stand-up comics and mildly entertaining recurring segments" at Queens LIC's The Creek upstairs theatre, hosted by Jim Tews & Brendan Eyre: Chest Hair

[$] 8:30 pm ($21.78, plus 2-drink min. or $20 unlimited nonalcoholic drinks): Marina Franklin (developing into one of the finest stand-ups in the country, with an uncommonly gentle, graceful style that's pure joy; Last Comic Standing, Chappelle's Show, VH1, Comedy Central's Premium Blend), Vic Henley, Jim David, and more performing stand-up at the Comic Strip Live Comedy Club (1568 2nd Avenue off 81st Street): Comic Strip Live

8:30 pm ($5): In this double-bill, each of two of The Magnet's singing improv troupes will make up a musical on the spot based on an audience suggestion: Rosencrantz and BEEES!

9:30 pm ($5): NYC stand-ups (not announced) performing at The PIT downstairs lounge hosted by Joe DeRosa (HBO’s Down and Dirty, Comedy Central Presents) and Jared Logan (hilarious angry rising star; Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central): Righteous Kill

9:30 pm ($5): A one-person show about getting fired and getting dumped at The PIT upstairs theatre: Oops! I Blew It Again

[FREE] 9:30 pm: Stand-up and sketch at Queens LIC's The Creek upstairs theatre, typically hosted by sketch troupes Savage Animal and/or Jerk Practice: Savage Animal

[FREE] 10:00 pm: Open-mic stand-up at UCB East hosted by Boris Khaykin, John Trowbridge, and/or Katie East: Tuesday Night Open Mic

[FREE] 10:15 pm: In this free Magnet show, audience members can join in with musical improv troupe BEEES! to make up stories in song on the spot: Musical Magnet Mixer

[FREE] 11:00 pm: A breathtaking 40 comics are given 2 minutes each in this rapid-fire open mic stand-up show at The PIT upstairs theatre hosted with wit and energy by Jay Welch: Bring It



NYC Comedy Picks for Wednesday 12/28/11

Todd Bieber's Commercial Interruption  The Talent Show: The Second Annual Re-Gifting Show

Todd Bieber screens TV ads he's less than proud of creating at one of the best solo shows of the year: Commercial Interruption;
Elna Baker hosts Dave Hill, Leo Allen, Myq Kaplan & more while letting you re-gift your crappy Xmas present: The Talent Show...

Molly Knefel

...and Molly Knefel & her brother John have tales to tell about him getting Occupy-arrested at John & Molly Get Along


Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:


[FREE] 6:00 pm to midnight: Six free hours of improvisation at The PIT's Super Free Wednesday

[FREE] 6:00 pm: Open-mic stand-up providing four minutes per comic, with "15 people chosen randomly through e-mail, and five walk-ins; and a guaranteed spot to anyone who performs in character as a famous explorer" at Queens LIC's The Creek upstairs theatre: Comedic Exploration Club of Long Island City, West

7:00 pm (no cover, 1-item min.): Giulia Rozzi (Jimmy Kimmel, MTV, VH1, Playgirl Magazine, co-host of Dive comedy and Stripped Stories), Kerryn Feehan, Michael Cannon, Marc Maietta, and John Moses performing stand-up at Luca Lounge (222 Avenue B off 14th Street) with host Selena Coppock: Connotation

7:00 pm-12:30 am ($7 for the entire evening): Magnet house troupes Grappler, Leviathan, The Surge, The Wrath, Chet Watkins, Featherweight, Horses, and Brick performing improv, followed by a free audience interactive show with The Surge at 11:30 pm: The Magnet's Megawatt

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($5): For this double-bill at UCB East, Nicole Byer, Sasheer Zamata, and Keisha Zollar are the fiercely energetic & entertaining all-gal improv troupe Doppelganger; and genius improvisors Gavin Speiller of Death By Roo Roo, Ben Rodgers of The Curfew, and Jonathan Gabrus of The Law Firm) perform as Outlook of the Poet

[$] 7:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  A comic best known for his appearances on Comedy Central celebrity roasts, but who's also performed on David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The View, HBO, CNN, MSNBC—and even ABC's Dancing with the Stars!—headlining through Friday at the Carolines Comedy Club: Jeffrey Ross

[MEGA-TOP PICK] 8:00 pm ($7 at the door, or $8.44 in advance online—the latter is recommended because this show usually sells out): Genius storyteller/writer Elna Baker hosts New York Magazine's 2011 pick for Best Variety Show, with tonight's hilarious guests Dave Hill, Leo Allen, Myq Kaplan, Tom Shillue, John Roberts, Jena Friedman, Starlee Kline, and more—not to mention a 250-person gift swap—at Brooklyn's Littlefield (622 Degraw Street): The Talent Show: The Second Annual Re-Gifting Show

[MEGA-TOP PICK] 8:00 pm ($5): Todd Bieber, the razor-sharp Director of Content & Production for, has had his video/film work viewed over 25 million times via such sites as,, and But before his success, Todd spent a couple of years churning out, as he bluntly puts it, "shitty local commercials in rural Pennsylvania." If you're a filmmaker, a fan of ridiculously awful late-night TV ads, and/or someone who likes to laugh, come enjoy this fascinating and hilarious insider look at microbudget commercials and the creative process. Directed by UCBT Artistic Director Nate Dern, this is one of the very best solo shows of the year: Commercial Interruption...

...and in the other half of this double-bill, enormously likable ace improvisor & sketch performer Doug Moe (Conan O'Brien, 30 Rock, Rescue Me, renowned improv troupe Mother) takes a stab at doing a solo show. The writing doesn't reach the potential of the subject, but it's always a pleasure to see Doug on stage, as well as enjoy video clips of his little angel of a five-year-old daughter: Doug Moe is a Bad Dad

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 8:00 pm: Hosts Molly Knefel (member of superb improv troupe Naked in a Fishbowl) and her brother John Knefel (veteran stand-up) had an exciting month: John got arrested at an Occupy Wall Street protest, and Molly told Keith Olbermann about it on national television. Come hear the details—and also see stand-ups James Adomian, Dan St. Germain, Jamie Kilstein, and Jordan Carlos performing—at Le Poisson Rouge (158 Bleecker Street, off Thompson Street): John and Molly Get Along

[FREE] 8:00 pm: NYC stand-ups (not announced) performing at this free monthly show at the Three of Cups lounge (83 First Avenue at 5th Street) hosted by Charlie Gaeta: SuperWednesday!

[FREE] 8:30 pm: NYC stand-ups Calvin S. Cato (host of The Pre-Game Show), Jay Nog, Toby Muresianu, Ben Rosenfeld, Joe Pontillo, Tom Steffen, Oni Perez, and Nathan Macintosh performing at the only notable weekly comedy show I know of taking place in Astoria Queens—specifically, the Astoria Brewhouse (2850 31st Street): Brewhouse Comedy

[TOP PICK] 9:00 pm ($5): For this double-bill at UCB East, Neil Casey & Anthony Atamanuik, both genius members of Death by Roo Roo, perform the jaw-dropping feat of making up an entire feature film as The Two-Man Movie; and then UCBT Harold Night troupes Deckard and Very Good Kiss make up scenes without relying on the usual long-form "Harold" rules at Cheating on Harold

9:00 pm ($5): A dark comedy sketch group focusing tonight on JonBenét Ramsey at Under St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place, off First Avenue): Beaches 2: JonBenét Ramsey Edition

[TOP PICK] 9:30 pm ($5): One of the finest comedic storytelling shows in the country, in which brilliant writer/performers—who tonight are Adam Wade, Anthony Atamanuik, Todd Bieber, Dyna Moe, and guest host John Flynn—tell tales that are brutally honest and utterly hilarious at UCB Chelsea, with tonight's theme The Year in Review: The Nights of Our Lives

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 11:00 pm: As many as a dozen guests packed into 75 minutes performing stand-up, improv, sketch, and occasionally acts that defy categorization. The level of talent can vary wildly, but for some (like me), that's part of the laid-back fun; and this is often one of the most amazing comedy shows in town. (For tonight's lineup, please click here.) Come support the experimentation, and periodic magical surprises, that this uniquely organic rollercoaster of a weekly show at UCB Chelsea makes possible—and don't forget to toss $1 in the bucket on your way out: School Night

[FREE] 11:00 pm: Your opportunity to perform on the stage of UCB East with improv veterans, hosted by UCBT Harold Night house troupe Grandma's Ashes: The Improv Jam

[FREE] 11:00 pm: Open-mic stand-up running until 1:00 am, with time divided evenly between performers (up to five minutes), at The Creek downstairs lounge in Queens' Long Island City with host Rob Stern: Bucket 'O Buckets



NYC Comedy Picks for Thursday 12/29/11

Mel & El  Scott Blakeman

Musical comedy duo Mel & El perform at Stripped Stories; Scott Blakeman looks back at The End of the Year as We Know It


Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:


[TOP PICK] [FREE] 6:00 pm: Weekly open mic storytelling show, with each performer given a whopping eight minutes to captivate & impress, at UCB East hosted by John Flynn (The Nights of Our Lives) and tonight's guest host Anthony Atamanuik (30 Rock, Conan O'Brien, Huffington Post, Death by Roo Roo, The Nights of Our Lives, The Tony and Johnny Show): Oh, Hey Guys!

6:30 pm ($5): The auditions of two comedic one-act plays hoping to get on the UCBT schedule, and about which I know nothing except they're titled Masterpiece Platinum Presents: Murder Abbey and Death Wears Stilettos: A Noir Comedy. But at $2.50 per show, it's hard to go wrong at this frequently surprising and fun UCB Chelsea showcase: Spank

[FREE] 6:00 pm: Open-mic stand-up with comics' names drawn from a bucket and each chosen one receiving three minutes at The Creek's upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City: Corby Haas

[FREE] 6:30 pm: In this free Magnet show, audience members (signing in at 6:00) can join in with improv troupe Hello Laser to make up scenes on the spot: Magnet Mixer

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($10 at the door or $11.34 online): Witty political commentator Scott Blakeman performs stand-up about the year that was, and then hosts a panel with Lee Camp (Showtime's The Green Room), Rob Taub (Onion News Network), Steve Rendall (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), and T.J. McCormack (host of FOX and Friends) at The Tank's Playroom Theater (151 West 46th Street, 8th Floor): The End of the Year as We Know It with Scott Blakeman

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($5): Murderfist (NYC's fearless heavy metal version of a sketch troupe; winner of the 2010 ECNY Award), Molly Knefel (Naked in a Fishbowl, John & Molly Get Along), Robin Gelfenbien (My Salvation Has a First Name), and Adam Lash ("once murdered a bear because it made a pass at his mama") join terrific sketch duo Skinny Bitch Jesus Meeting (Leah Rudick and Katie Hartman) for a comedy variety show at The PIT basement lounge: Daddy's Basement: A Comedy Variety Freakshow

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($5): Improv based on the iPods, CDs, and mp3 players provided by audience members, executed by such superb performers as Fran Gillespie, Ryan Karels, Megan Neuringer, Jesse Falcon, Silvija Ozols, Doug Moe, Lou Perez, Sue Galloway, and Emily Axford: Soundtrack USA; plus in the second half of this UCB East double-bill, an improv troupe attempts to abandon rules for the sake of achieving new levels of hilarity in Fuck That Shit

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm-MIdnight ($7 for the entire evening): The Magnet co-owner helming The Armando Diaz Experience, plus house troupes The Boss, Hello Laser, Phooka, and Junior Varsity, performing improv, followed by improv competition Inspirado (like UCBT's Cage Match, but with a game-like challenge component) with veteran Magnet performers and, for tonight only, members of the audience drawn from names in a hat at 11:00 pm: The Magnet's Night Out

[$] 8:00 pm & 10:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  A comic best known for his appearances on Comedy Central celebrity roasts, but who's also performed on David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The View, HBO, CNN, MSNBC—and even ABC's Dancing with the Stars!—headlining tonight and Friday at the Carolines Comedy Club: Jeffrey Ross

[$] 8:30 pm ($20 & 2-drink min.) A stand-up who's performed on Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, and his own hour-long Comedy Central special The Byrne identity headlining tonight and Friday at the Gotham Comedy Club (with opener Colin Jost): Steve Byrne

[TOP PICK] 9:00 pm ($5): Streeter Seidell (College Humor, Jimmy Kimmel, MTV), Barry Rothbart (Jay Leno, Comedy Central, IFC), and "a very special guest" performing UCB East with best bud hosts Noah Garfinkel & Joe Mande (author of Look At This F*cking Hipster) at Totally J/K

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 9:00ish pm: Terrific NYC stand-ups (the lineup is typically announced around 2:00 pm day of show; for an update, please click here) performing on this free weekly event at the Kabin Bar and Lounge hosted by Chesley Calloway and comedy genius Sean Patton: Comedy as a Second Language

[TOP PICK] 9:30 pm ($5): Rachael Mason (Late Night Republic) and David Crabb (Ask Me Stories) joining sensual hosts Margot Leitman (VH1, Spike TV) and Giulia Rozzi (MTV,, co-host of Dive Comedy) in telling true tales on tonight's theme "High School"—plus hot songs from delightful duo Mel & El—at the best sexy storytelling comedy show in NYC: Stripped Stories

9:30 pm ($5): D&D-style epic fantasy improv, plus nerdy stand-up from Jared Logan (hilarious angry rising star; Last Comic Standing, Comedy Central, co-host of Righteous Kill) and Doug Smith—at The PIT upstairs theatre led by a Dungeon Master

9:30 pm ($5): Improvisors (not announced) make up one-act plays on the spot at The PIT downstairs lounge, produced by Dan Hodapp & Micah Sherman: The Scene

[TOP PICK] 11:00 pm ($5): Superb improv troupes Diamond Lion and Boy Butter competing for audience laughs and votes at UCB Chelsea's raucous Cage Match

[FREE] 11:00 pm: Weekly open mic stand-up show, with each comic given five minutes, at UCB East hosted by Rob Stern & Amber Nelson: Gutbucket



NYC Comedy Picks for Friday 12/30/11

James Adomian Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 

James Adomian, Murderfist, and more join Rob Lathan in deciphering
the disastrously bad end-of-the-world film 2012 at Stinson's Awesome Movie Night...

Stone Cold Fox: This is Not Art

...and don't miss your last chance to see the funniest sketch show of the year: Stone Cold Fox in This is Not Art


Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:



[FREE] 6:00 pm: An open mic show on a lottery system (sign-ups start at 5:30 pm) at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City with hosts Mike Recine (Comedy Central) and Annie Lederman (Comedy Central): The Shinebox

[FREE] 7:00 pm: Rachel Feinstein (finalist on Last Comic Standing; Comedy Central; opens for Sarah Silverman on tour), Kyle Grooms (Comedy Central Presents, Chappelle's Show), Myka Fox (Comical Radio), Maddog Mattern (Carolines), and Barry Sobel (host of The 3 Minute Talk Show) performing at Beauty Bar (231 East 14th Street) for this biweekly stand-up show hosted by Peter Ostrovski & Ilya Gofshteyn: Beautiful Comedy

[MEGA-TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($10): In one of the finest scripted shows to ever grace UCB Chelsea, troupe Stone Cold Fox performs hilarious parodies of off-off-Broadway theatre, as well as some of the very best sketches it's crafted over the years, in a tight hour-long production directed by comedy genius Neil Casey (who, after also recently directing stellar one-person shows by Kate McKinnon and Mike Still, apparently can do no wrong), featuring delightful performances by Fran Gillespie, Molly Lloyd, D'Arcy Carden (watch for these three gals playing existential Truth or Dare), John Murray, Nate Smith, Brandon Scott Jones, and Jonathan Fernandez, and the writing of Leila Cohan-Miccio, Evan Greenspoon, Brandon Gulya, Matt Hunziker, Owen Parsons, and Michael Trapp. Don't miss this last chance to catch one of the sharpest and funniest comedy shows of the year from the first sketch troupe (vs. improv troupe) to ever be honored with an ongoing spot on the prestigious UCBT weekend schedule: Stone Cold Fox: This Is Not Art

[TOP PICK] 7:30 pm ($10 at the door or $11.34 online): Witty political commentator Scott Blakeman performs stand-up about the year that was, and then hosts a panel with Lee Camp (Showtime's The Green Room), Rob Taub (Onion News Network), Steve Rendall (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), and T.J. McCormack (host of FOX and Friends) at The Tank's Playroom Theater (151 West 46th Street, 8th Floor): The End of the Year as We Know It with Scott Blakeman

7:30 pm ($10): Sharp improvisors at UCB East making up a musical on the spot: Diamond Lion

8:00 pm ($10): A PIT improv troupe making up a musical on the spot after a friendly greeting: Hello

[$] [DISCOUNTED] 8:00 pm ($20 [vs. $25] online or at the box office using discount code BOOK): Telly Savalas returns to life to entertain you and provide life guidance in this 50-minute show that was a hit at FringeNYC 2011 and is now enjoying an open-ended Friday night run at the Soho Playhouse's downstairs Huron Club. The script is at times very smart, especially in its choices of hilarious video clips and music tracks from the real Savalas...who, in his more intense moments, apparently rivaled William Shatner at his silliest. But even when Hunter Nelson's writing isn't consistent, actor Tom DiMenna—who is a professional comic with great timing and skill at engaging an audience—will keep you entertained: Who Loves You, Baby?

[$] 8:00 pm & 10:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  A comic best known for his appearances on Comedy Central celebrity roasts, but who's also performed on David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, The Today Show, The View, HBO, CNN, MSNBC—and even ABC's Dancing with the Stars!—headlining through Friday at the Carolines Comedy Club: Jeffrey Ross

[FREE] 8:00 pm: An open mic show that's first come, first serve (sign-ups start at 7:30 pm), with each comic getting five minutes on stage at The Creek downstairs lounge in Queens' Long Island City: Mic and Cheese

[TOP PICK] 9:00 pm ($10): Some of the finest improv in NYC from UCB Chelsea's all-star members of The Stepfathers

[$] 8:30 pm & 10:30 pm ($25 & 2-drink min.) A stand-up who's performed on Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, and his own hour-long Comedy Central special The Byrne identity headlining tonight and Friday at the Gotham Comedy Club (with opener Colin Jost): Steve Byrne

[TOP PICK] 9:00 pm ($10): Rob Lathan (Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, ABC) as his cinema connoisseur character Stinson screens the highlights of a notoriously awful film—which tonight is the "epic" 2012—at UCB East along with comics James Adomian, Murderfist, Mike O'Gorman, and Jessie Cantrell: Stinson's Awesome Movie Night

9:30 pm ($5): An iTunes comedy podcast with over 2 million downloads goes live at The PIT upstairs theatre: The Complete Guide to Everything: 2011 Year in Review

10:00 pm ($7): Singing improvisors at The Magnet using an interview with an audience member to craft The Made-Up Musical

[TOP PICK] 10:30 pm ($10): Fran Gillespie, Jon Gabrus, Craig Rowin, Matt Fisher, Nate Lang, Sue Galloway, and other superb improvisors at UCB Chelsea making up scenes about an audience member's legal dispute: The Law Firm: Law & Disorder

11:00 pm ($8): Stand-up Dan St. Germain (quick-witted & enormously likeable rising star; Jimmy Fallon, MTV, VH1; for reenactment of Dan's breakup, please click here) opens for a sketch comedy troupe at The PIT downstairs lounge for their all-new show: The Upset Triangle

11:00 pm ($5): NYC stand-ups (not announced) performing at UCB East hosted by Emily Axford, D'Arcy Carden, Alden Ford, Brandon Scott Jones, and/or Justin Tyler: Gentrify

[TOP PICK] 11:30 pm ($5): Before this Magnet show, audience members may anonymously submit written confessions, secrets, rants, advice and opinions which will be used onstage by the improvisors—who include such talents as Laura Grey (stellar old-time radio style theatrical podcast Horrorgasm, sketch/improv duo Klepper & Grey): The Friday Night Sh*w

[FREE] Midnight: This show typically isn't much fun for audience members—which is why it hasn't been on the UCB Chelsea schedule for a long time—but it's an amazing opportunity if you want to perform sketch for free and with almost zero hurdles on the prestigious UCBT stage. Hosted by Maude troupe Onassis: Liquid Courage



NYC Comedy Picks for Saturday 12/31/11

Don't hesitate to laugh this New Year's Eve; there are several superb and affordable comedy shows to choose from...

 Leslie Goshko

...including Murderfist's New Year (free) and The Liar Show ($25, which includes free champaign)

Recommendations for the best in New York City comedy tonight

(in chronological order, with top picks noted and shows over $10 marked with $) include:


[FREE] 4:00 pm: An unusually early weekly open mic stand-up show at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City hosted by RG Daniels & Jared Fried: It Starts at 4

[TOP PICK] [$] 5:30 pm ($25, which includes 1 glass of champaign; reservations highly recommended by calling 212.989.9319): Four funny people tell amazing stories. Three of the tales are absolutely true...but one of them is a pack of lies. The audience then asks questions to try and identify the fibber—and everyone who does gets a free t-shirt! The yarn-spinners are Leslie Goshko (delightful & razor-sharp storyteller/comic; WNYC, Manhattan Monologue Slam Champ, host of Sideshow Goshko), Ed Gavagan (Moth GrandSlam Champion), Andy Ross (written for Mad Magazine, Onion News Network), and host Andy Christie (The New York Times, NPR, Moth GrandSlam Champion) performing at the West Village's Cornelia Street Cafe (29 Cornelia Street) for this special year-end edition of The Liar Show

[FREE] 7:00 pm: Comedic storytelling at The Creek in Queens' Long Island City with host Eugene Aston-Gonzalez: 1001 Nights

[TOP PICK] 8:00 pm ($10): One of The PIT's finest improv troupes—which occasionally includes comedy giants Kristen Schaal and/or Kurt Braunohler—performing an improv show followed by a free New Year's Eve dance party: Big Black Car

[$] 8:00 pm & 10:30 pm ($38.25 & 2-drink min.)  NYC stand-ups Mike Vecchione, Russ Meneve, Michael Che, Vince August, and host Wil Sylvince help you usher in the New Year at the Carolines Comedy Club: Carolines New Years Eve Spectacular

[$] 8:30 pm & 10:30 pm ($25 & 2-drink min.) A stand-up who's performed on Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, and his own hour-long Comedy Central special The Byrne identity headlining tonight and Friday at the Gotham Comedy Club (with opener Colin Jost): Steve Byrne

[$] [DISCOUNTED] 9:00 pm & 11:00 pm (FREE TICKETS if you reserve in advance by calling (212) 260-2445 and mention, but there's still a 2-drink min. per person): Nikki Glaser (Jay Leno, Last Comic Standing, podcast You Had to Be There), Mike Yard (Comedy Central), Aaron Berg, and and more performing at the only comedy club in the East Village: Eastville Comedy Club

[TOP PICK] [FREE] 9:30 pm doors, 10:00 pm-Midnight show: In probably the biggest bargain you'll encounter for the rest of 2011, this free show at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City lets you spend the final two hours of the year with ECNY Award-winning Murderfist , NYC's fearless heavy metal version of a sketch troupe, as well as stand-up guests James Adomian, Dan St. Germain, Amber Nelson, Nick Turner, Nick Vatterott, and more, plus stellar musical guests The Cowmen, Reformed Whores, Skulk The Hulking, and more, hosted by Ed Larson & Ben Kissel : Murderfist's New Year

[FREE] Midnight: NYC stand-ups (not announced) participate in the fake taping of a bad late-night TV comedy show at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City with host Brad Steuernagel: Comedians Off Of the Leash



NYC Comedy Picks for Sunday 1/1/12

Thank you for being a reader of this site. The best is yet to come.
Wishing you a wonderful and wondrous 2012.


The usual cornucopia of comedy choices will return tomorrow, when most
NYC comedy venues will reopen. Meanwhile, here are the few notable New York City

comedy shows on New Year's Day (in chronological order...and all free):


[FREE] 4:00 pm: An unusually early walk-in open mic stand-up show at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City: Face-Plant Comedy Showcase

[FREE] 7:30 pm: Sketch, improv, and more at The Creek upstairs theatre in Queens' Long Island City from comedy troupe Froduce

[FREE] 8:00 pm: The Reformed Whores (raunchy comedic singing duo Marie Cecile Anderson & Katy Frame), Dave Waite (Comedy Central), Nick Turner (Jimmy Fallon; co-host of Too Cool For School and If You Build It), Jeff Wesselschmidt (Rooftop Comedy Rusty Nail Award winner), and more performing at RG Daniels' free weekly show at the Three of Cups lounge (83 First Avenue at 5th Street): Sunday Night Stand-Up

[FREE] 9:00 pm: Mike Lawrence (nerd persona but razor-sharp mind has made this stand-up a rapidly rising star; Comedy Central's John Oliver's NY Stand-Up), Michelle Wolf (co-host of Fresh), Chris Laker, and Josh Rabinowitz performing in the East Village's Beauty Bar for this free weekly show hosted by Brad Austin, Nate Fridson, and/or Adam Sokol: Beauty Bar Comedy

[FREE] 10:00 pm: NYC stand-ups Yamaneika (TruTV, Chick Chat) and Caitlin Bergh (Chicago Comedy Festival winner) performing at this free weekly gay-themed show at Therapy hosted by Brad Loekle: Electro Shock Therapy Comedy Hour



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